Our new friends marched to the House of Reps after breakfast & a Democracy Now dose of reality to jump start the day.The plan was drop by the various congressional offices of all our new arrivals activists.It served to acquaint the novice activists with the Capitol Hill area and variety of tips of the town.
Des-Tx Liz-Az Dianne-Ca Winny-Ca Jaime -Utah Baker's NY Steve OH went to Cong.Ackerman's office for a sit-in to obtain an appointment for these constituents to discuss the HCon Res 362.We Oppose the language of HConRes 362 and dispute the facts with our own research!One goal is to educate the Co_Sponsors and staffers.
Promote Peace through Policy
We Need Supporters to call
Cong Ackerman-202.224.3121 No Blockade of Iran Sanctions Kill Kids
Good Policy is Good Politics
direct #202-225.2601
Call to Stop the Next War Now
You all look like really sweet people, and I'm sure I would love you all. But we aren't the bad guys. Whether the war was a good thing or bad, I don't think we know yet. Don't forget, little girls fathers were getting put into paper shredders before for we got rid of Saddam. War is not nice, and war is not pretty, but John F. Kennedy got us involved in Vietnam where many times more people were killed than in Iraq. And I don't believe that Kennedy was evil, I think he was doing what he thought was right.
Thank you and once again I think your wonderful people.
Thanks for those tips, Des. I had no idea how to respond to the fellow who called me an idiot, but now I've got lots of ammo.
Hi, Jim. I'm not Des, although I've occasionally survived Desiree's Brutal Walkabout (just barely!) and have partaken of DA MAMA'S tasty tofu. I have also stayed in a Holiday Inn, but not recently.
Another how-to shamelessly stolen from DA tubes:
How to Win a Political Argument Part I: Tactical Tips
Oops, my bad. It must be true that I'm an idiot.
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