
CODEPINKDC in action-
Desiree Ali- Fairooz, Joan,Liz attended the Hearing in Senate Foreign Relations Committee as the topic was Defense Spending Budget for 2009!
Miss Condi Rice was in house to testify on behalf of the State Department. Condi stated that the State Department's budget was 1/14 of the DOD0 a disturbing reality........... we found this profoundly absurd in this day where we desperately need a core & stream a Diplomatic skillset & minded professionals to change the attitude of the world and partner up with US instead of despise US for FAILED Foreign Policies................and .............
encourage comunication through a new path of good neighbor sentiment!
Everytime Miss Condi made false statements like Iraq is a better place today becuase of US or Iraq is better due to our presence etc....
we would mumble and groan and beg the Secretary to TELL THE TRUTH
and put pink signs up with appropriate messaging in protest.
This hearing lasted only 3hours because Miss Condi had to leave early and wasn't aired on cspan live for the benefit of the Failed Bush Posse of Rogue Regime to save the State Dept any further embarrasment.At the conclusion our own dedicated former librarian- teacher & activist Desiree Ali-Fairooz was arrested as we were leaving the hearing room unexpectedly as we sat through 3 hours of lies and deceit...the police would never tell Us the charges suddenly they forgot how to speak up! There is no feasible reason Desiree was arrested SHE had NO STAY AWAY ORDER
We have been documenting everything for use against these intimidation tactics
Today Valentines day fe 14 2008 we must be in court to support our HOUSE MOMA
sorry i didn't change the seeting on my camera and photos are terrible
we tried to do ur best at the moment
The criminals go free and the WAR criminal walks away
this is not JUSTICE
Help US get this story out peacemakers are arrested falsely
Wake up America we need your help to right some of these unjust policies
Today it's dez ---tomorrow it could be you---
We need to get the word out Capitol Police are out of Control!! 
After 24 hours in Police detention, Des was released "no papered" which translates as charges dropped. Capitol Police also lost Des' driver's license."I'm sorry" said one officer. "You'll have to write to the State of Texas and request a replacement." said Officer Adele Freda. Please call Capitol Police to lodge complaints!! Below is the text of Des' letter to the ACLU:

After 24 hours in Police detention, Des was released "no papered" which translates as charges dropped. Capitol Police also lost Des' driver's license."I'm sorry" said one officer. "You'll have to write to the State of Texas and request a replacement." said Officer Adele Freda. Please call Capitol Police to lodge complaints!! Below is the text of Des' letter to the ACLU:
Legal Team
American Civil Liberties Union
1400 20th Street NW
Suite 119
Washington, DC 20036-5920
Dear Legal Team,
The American Civil Liberties Union leads the struggle to defend our nation’s freedoms particularly the ultimate civil liberty: the freedom of speech. You also work to defend us against unjust and discriminatory targeting on the part of police officials. Both of these personal freedoms have been jeopardized since my move to Washington, D.C.
I sincerely believe that I, and other members of CODEPINK, have been unfairly targeted by the United States Capitol Police. We have brought some of these problems to your attention in a prior meeting. With your help, I hope to bring suit against this agency for official misconduct in the discrimination and deliberate suppression of my work on Capitol Hill.
As an active member of CODEPINK: Women for Peace, I have lived and worked in Washington, D.C. for the past eleven months. The misconduct by Capitol Police stems from my persistent work as a citizen activist to end the occupation of Iraq, and the subsequent political “blowback” from congress members and possibly even from U.S. administration officials who do not want public dissent to their policies. My case is only one in a string of violations of this type committed against members of CODEPINK. Harassment on the part of the Capitol Police is so commonplace that we have nicknamed this treatment “pink profiling.”
Although my activism on Capitol Hill has resulted in two convictions for disorderly conduct, both of which are on appeal, this in no way warrants the Capitol Police to harass or arrest me at whim and without provocation.
When I approached Condoleeza Rice in the House Foreign Affairs Committee room prior to the beginning of a hearing on October 24, 2007 with “bloodied” hands I was arrested and initially charged with two counts of assault of a police officer and one count of disorderly conduct. As a condition of my release I was given a stay-away order from Capitol Hill and from Condoleeza Rice. Both assault charges and stay-away orders were subsequently dropped.
Despite the cancellation of the stay-away orders by Judge Mitchell-Rankin, Capitol Police have falsely arrested me on three occasions for what they claim as “probable cause” of contempt of court. These arrests occurred at the Senate Hart Building on November 16, 2007, the House Rayburn Building on December 19, 2007, and the Senate Dirksen Building on February 13, 2008. This last arrest I was held overnight only to be let go at arraignment “not papered”. I strongly believe these false arrests are a purposeful attempt to intimidate and deter me from further activism around Congress.
As a U.S. citizen, with her freedom of speech protected by the U.S. Constitution, it is reprehensible that the Capitol Police are suppressing my right to redress my grievances to my government. Every time that I am detained and falsely arrested equates to two days of lost work. For the aforementioned false arrests I wish to receive compensation, an apology and assurances that these improper detentions and arrests will cease.
We would also like your help in determining what measures we can take to challenge the stay-away orders that have kept many CODEPINK members from Congress including one member who has been prevented from visiting Capitol Hill since May 2007.
Confident that the ACLU can help US, I render this document to you.
Hopefully yours,
Desiree Fairooz
712 5th Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Tel 202-290-1301 house
202-423-3654 cell
Email: flacafina@aol.com
American Civil Liberties Union
1400 20th Street NW
Suite 119
Washington, DC 20036-5920
Dear Legal Team,
The American Civil Liberties Union leads the struggle to defend our nation’s freedoms particularly the ultimate civil liberty: the freedom of speech. You also work to defend us against unjust and discriminatory targeting on the part of police officials. Both of these personal freedoms have been jeopardized since my move to Washington, D.C.
I sincerely believe that I, and other members of CODEPINK, have been unfairly targeted by the United States Capitol Police. We have brought some of these problems to your attention in a prior meeting. With your help, I hope to bring suit against this agency for official misconduct in the discrimination and deliberate suppression of my work on Capitol Hill.
As an active member of CODEPINK: Women for Peace, I have lived and worked in Washington, D.C. for the past eleven months. The misconduct by Capitol Police stems from my persistent work as a citizen activist to end the occupation of Iraq, and the subsequent political “blowback” from congress members and possibly even from U.S. administration officials who do not want public dissent to their policies. My case is only one in a string of violations of this type committed against members of CODEPINK. Harassment on the part of the Capitol Police is so commonplace that we have nicknamed this treatment “pink profiling.”
Although my activism on Capitol Hill has resulted in two convictions for disorderly conduct, both of which are on appeal, this in no way warrants the Capitol Police to harass or arrest me at whim and without provocation.
When I approached Condoleeza Rice in the House Foreign Affairs Committee room prior to the beginning of a hearing on October 24, 2007 with “bloodied” hands I was arrested and initially charged with two counts of assault of a police officer and one count of disorderly conduct. As a condition of my release I was given a stay-away order from Capitol Hill and from Condoleeza Rice. Both assault charges and stay-away orders were subsequently dropped.
Despite the cancellation of the stay-away orders by Judge Mitchell-Rankin, Capitol Police have falsely arrested me on three occasions for what they claim as “probable cause” of contempt of court. These arrests occurred at the Senate Hart Building on November 16, 2007, the House Rayburn Building on December 19, 2007, and the Senate Dirksen Building on February 13, 2008. This last arrest I was held overnight only to be let go at arraignment “not papered”. I strongly believe these false arrests are a purposeful attempt to intimidate and deter me from further activism around Congress.
As a U.S. citizen, with her freedom of speech protected by the U.S. Constitution, it is reprehensible that the Capitol Police are suppressing my right to redress my grievances to my government. Every time that I am detained and falsely arrested equates to two days of lost work. For the aforementioned false arrests I wish to receive compensation, an apology and assurances that these improper detentions and arrests will cease.
We would also like your help in determining what measures we can take to challenge the stay-away orders that have kept many CODEPINK members from Congress including one member who has been prevented from visiting Capitol Hill since May 2007.
Confident that the ACLU can help US, I render this document to you.
Hopefully yours,
Desiree Fairooz
712 5th Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Tel 202-290-1301 house
202-423-3654 cell
Email: flacafina@aol.com
That is so unbelievably lame that they arrested her. It is even more lame that they arrested her after the hearing, and even more ridiculously lame that they think they can stop the Legendary Long-Legged Librarian with a pair of handcuffs and a jail cell.
Who Shall Overcome?
I'll tell you who.
What's Desi's favorite treat? I'll bring a V-Day dinner!!
I find that the Violence in Kenya is more disturbing than what's going on in Iraq. We should organize a trip to that country and defend our African sisters!
We are behind you!
THEY ARREST MOMMA? Jeebus. More faux stay away crap like when she was arrested in Rayburn last December? Freaking harassment.
She should start framing the "advice to arrestee" documents!
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