We don't really know what way to celebrate President's Day except to
denounce war, war mongering, and perpetual state of War & a basic fear
mongering through this bogus color coded alerts!
We demand a peace president & candidates that value peace more deeply
than they utilize the fear factor card in their deck of leverage
So...I watched the code pink girls (and guy) jump an enclosed fence and attempt to attach the big pink (and, sadly, unreadable) banner to the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square across from the White House today, Presidents' Day 2008. While I don't necessarily disagree with the message you are trying to send, its sure is tough to take you seriously! Sure you get some attention, but I don't think its the kind that you are looking for. My boys, ages 7 and 11, watched in amazement as the Pinkies attempted to deface a public landmark, and broke the law by jumping the fence that surrounded it. When the cops showed up, you all ran for the hills, but the two who had jumped the fence were busted, while their friends booked it out of there (one came back for her car keys,and the other tried to argue profusely with the cops before she bolted). IMHO, the cops did you a favor by not arresting the entire group. I tried (really I did) to explain to my gradeschoolers what your message was (what I could discern, anyway), but they were too busy laughing hysterically while the cops chased you all down and arrested the two climbers. The funniest part was when Pink Dude tried to tell the cops that he didn't know he did anything wrong (right after he said, "Get down, the cops are coming!") My seven-year-old even picked up on that one....Of course the police hand-cuffed Pink Dude right to the fence he just climbed. Perfect opportunity to explain to my kids why peaceful protests that don't break the law are the best kind. Thanks to my husband snapping all those pictures, you guys are going to be the highlight of second-grade show-and-tell tomorrow!
P.S. How peaceful do you think Iraq was before we got there? Bet it won't be peaceful if we leave, either....Food for thought.
Get US out of Iraq
and we will go back to our
comfortable lives....
complain if you wish
but the MAJORITY of AMERICANS think Invading IRAQ Illegally was the biggest mistake ever in historyand your kids will feel the uncomfort of HIGH TAX BURDEN
for decades to come.........
Invading Irag was hardly the biggest mistake ever in history. Slavery comes to mind, and how about all the land we pillaged and plundered from the Native Americans? Stalin and Lenin were pretty bad dudes, and how about that Osama Bin Ladin? Oh yeah, do you remember that nasty Hitler and Dr. Mengela? Guess we should have stayed out of World War II, huh? I actually have Iraqi friends who are terrified for their lives and their children's lives if the US ever leaves. Not that we ever will since (hurray!) we are building half a dozen permanent bases there. The genocide that Hussein inflicted on his own people will only rise again if we do not stay there and protect the innocents. Somebody has to put a stop to it, and those American soldiers who are protecting the innocent Iraqi people are the same ones who died for your right to be such a public joke. As for high tax burden, we have been paying it forever (since we work for a living). My kids will be able to hack it, since they will be spending their time earning a college education and working for a living, too. Although we did appreciate the laugh, though, just like everyone else is laughing at you. BTW, its really cool when you use "pussy" and "vagina" to get everyone's attention. Love explaining that one. Very mature. You all seem to have alot of positive energy, for real. Why don't you take up some more local causes, like feeding the homeless I saw all over DC? Or how about using some of that donated money to help a child or family in need? That's the right thing to do, instead of getting high, making idiots of yourselves and getting nowhere. Put down the crack pipe, get some psychiatric help (its free, you know, welcome to America) and keep up the comic relief! I can't even sleep because I can't stop giggling!
It is a strange world where xinemd thinks that people with positive energy who want to work for peace must be on crack, but should be helping the homeless, but she can't sleep because she is giggling about it. I guess she's got it all figured out, since she is sure that we are fighting some sort of Osama Bin Hitler in World War Five in some country where she knows somebody. And it must all be okay, since we have free speech, and somebody died for it, or something like that. Maybe if there's anything she missed in her perfect life, her kids will learn about it in college, and pay some more taxes, unless, of course, they decide to be American heroes and go and get their legs blown off in Baghdad. No, that would be a bad idea. But they really should go, because Lenin and Stalin were bad too. Yeah, I'm starting to get it. Yeah, Pink is Bad, War is Good. Peace is for old hippies (at least I hope so :)
madame, what did you do today for peace?
Pink Dude didn't get handcuffed to the fence!!!!!
we Definitely didn't DEFACE anything!!!! Pink DUDE my friend
say GET DOWN the cops R coming.... lies lies lies
let's check out your photos & were you really there??????
I have it all on film
Presidents' Day 2008, at about 2 p.m. (just before the rain started). Four Pinkies were attempting to deface public property by hanging that ridiculous pink banner on the statue of Andrew Jackson, which was very clearly fenced in so that no one could CLIMB on it. The only reason you didn't get the deed done is that the wind was blowing too hard to tie it off quickly enough. While he and the other girl were on the statue, Pink Dude DID say "Get down, the cops are coming!" The pinkie girl who was on the other side of the Andrew Jackson statue told Pink Dude to wait a minute because she was trying to tie her end of the banner onto the statue, but the wind was not cooperating. When Pinkies saw the police heading their way, girlfriend balled up the banner, hopped back over the fence, and then bolted, cop in tow (he was a FAST runner!). While the Capitol Police were busy chasing her down, catching her, and putting the cuffs on, they handcuffed Pink Dude to the fence where he was protesting, "What did I do wrong, man?". Post your email address and I will be happy to send you the pictures. I have a ton of them. P.S. How many Iraqis did Saddam Hussein massacre? Answer: three million (and those were the ones he admitted to!) Newsflash: Hussein still has supporters in Iraq who will continue the killing if we leave.
the same erroneous info
Pink Man for Peace was never handcuffed to any fence!
Send your photos
i will post the real ones
Hey Liz & Jim,
For someone so "pro-peace," you guys seem REALLY angry. What's up with that? You want people to be open-minded and tolerant, but you can't/won't return the courtesy? Shame, shame. Put a little love in your hearts! As for the fence thing, I checked my photos and I have ones of everyone handcuffed, on the statue, arguing with the cops, and wadding up the pink banner, but not of Pink Man handcuffed to the fence. Whoa, I'm busted. Perhaps he was just sitting down? In any case, why don't you re-read some of my posts and actually RESPOND to the issues, instead of getting hung up on the minutia, ok stoner?
As for Jim, I'll tell you what I did for peace today...Funny that you ask, since my profession revolves around serving others. For starters, I took care of my kids, and then went to work. Part of my day was spent in quality time with some indigent folks at a local homeless shelter, making sure they received the medical attention they are entitled to. Tomorrow, I'm doing a service project with sixth graders to help out at a local nursing home. I also spent some time in prayer, thanking the framers of the Constitution that you, me, and the pinksters are ALL free to excercise OUR First Amendment right. What did you do for peace today, sir?
still waiting for your feigned FOTOS
send the FOTOS
Prove your LIES!
xinemd says, "put a little love in your hearts".
Hey, we're not the ones who get all cranky because 'Pink Dude' went over a fence, or because someone thinks that starting wars is a bad idea.
You think that invading Iraq was a good idea. I don't. I'm not going to fight with you about it, but I don't see where you get off saying it is so bad to put up a sign that says it was a bad idea. Now you're going to say something about 'defacing public property'. What does war deface?
Anyway, you seem like a nice little person, and I hope you enjoy your children. If you don't like our message of peace, you can look the other way, I'm sure that you'll find another military monument or parade of armed men to look at. We've got plenty of those, as you know.
You seem like a pretty good guy. So listen, I don't think what you guys are all about is bad at all. Peace in the world would be great -- unfortunately it isn't practical in every situation. I agree for the most part with what you stand for. I guess I was just making the point that if you want you and your message to be taken more seriously by more people, then there are better ways to go about it. I have no problem with the banner, but climbing on the statue defeated your purpose and got the banner confiscated. Alot of work obviously went into it and hopefully you were able to get it back from the cops. I would love to expose my kids to more of your message, but when I get on the Code Pink website and see things like "No Peace No Pussy," "Funk the War," can't remember the vagina comments, but they were all over the place. Perfectly fine for adults to check out, but if you want to reach kids like mine (as I said, I would like for them to see both sides), then you have to tone down the stuff that undermines a good cause.
Let's just agree to disagree about Iraq. Having a peaceful dialogue is much better, and I apologize if I offended you.
P.S. Liz has some issues for sure. Not sure why she is so angry, but I am not a liar.
P.P.S. Our differences and our ability to work them out (and MAKE COMPROMISES) is what makes this a great country.
Peace be with you. We like our tactics. We make new banners all the time. We act up for peace every day. That is how we roll. Your kids hear and see violence, pornography, and war all around them every day, and not much of it is coming from Code Pink. We offer a different vision of exuberant, peaceful fun. Hey, we made you giggle, so it worked!!! We don't mind that we reach out in slightly R-rated language on occasion, that's what might touch another person.
Liz is my sweet sister and the ultimate great action hero of the peace movement. You might imagine that she didn't like being told that she was a crackhead or that her brother was handcuffed when it was not true.
Hey Jim,
My kids do not see any of that crap...porn, violence...we are very dedicated to parental controls on TV, internet, friends' houses, Catholic school (is that dirty word?) etc., so I guess we are the exception to the rule. As for my crackhead comment, I am sincerely sorry for being rude. As for the handcuffs, I am NOT a liar -- one guy and one girl were taken away with handcuffs on. When I have some extra time to upload the pictures, I will send them along. Hey..more for your website, right? All in all, I respect and honor your right to free speech. It is important that we can all express our feelings and acknowledge differences as OK. My free speech has to be honored, too, though, or things don't work so well. Thanks for the reality check. Peace, out.
I am sending a couple of pictures to Liz at caterliz@yahoo.com. If you want some more for your website or whatever, please leave a post here and I will send them. Only have a minute before work, so I am just sending the one.
2 days have past NO FOTOS
ALL UR BULLSHIT HANDCUFFED TO THE FENCE.................yuda yuuda yuda
talk is CHEAP
who cares about the pics
we have all the photos of this particular eventand they disprove your statements
CODEPINK IS TIRED OF PERmanent war occupation failed policy and endles s pursuit of EMPIRE
the people are WAKING and the neo con artist Jargon is coming to an end!!!
we are looking for leaders to get us out of IRAQ And BE PRESIDENTIAL NOW MANTRA=equal to action
GET US OUT OF IRAQ NOW bring all troops hom and that includes combat troops
2 days have past NO FOTOS
ALL UR BULLSHIT HANDCUFFED TO THE FENCE.................yuda yuuda yuda
talk is CHEAP
who cares about the pics
we have all the photos of this particular eventand they disprove your statements
CODEPINK IS TIRED OF PERmanent war occupation failed policy and endles s pursuit of EMPIRE
the people are WAKING and the neo con artist Jargon is coming to an end!!!
we are looking for leaders to get us out of IRAQ And BE PRESIDENTIAL NOW MANTRA=equal to action
GET US OUT OF IRAQ NOW bring all troops hom and that includes combat troops
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