What a fabulous start in D.C. CODEPINK (Desiree, Barbara, Lelsie A. Medea B. Mona, Arizona Liz and myself) IVAW, Col. Wright, David Swanson and others waited almost four hours this morning to go into the Petreaus Report meeting. CODEPINK co-founder Gael Murphy was refused entrance and tried in vane to get in the room. One of the Capitol officers had his panties in a wad and decided only 7 of us could go in. Even Medea couldn't change his sorry mind. Cindy Sheehan and her sister DeDe arrived about 30 minutes before the hearing started and were refused entrance. The up-tight cop actually gave us little blue pieces of paper with numbers on them 1-7. CPer Debby gave up her number so Col. Wright could get in. In the mean time, The Honorable Rev. Yearwood had been in line with us for about 2 hours. Just as we started to go in he was pulled from the line for "cutting in" - it's sooooooooooo high school.
NOTE: Cindy, DeDe and Rev. Yearwood were arrested, in the hall, for absolutely nothing more than raising their voices. Unfortunately Rev. Yearwood had pissed off the "hallway cop" who was bothering us earlier and, after a little posturing he was thrown to the floor, 8 cops jumped on him and he is in the hospital getting x-rayed for a broken ankle.
Back to the hearing, when we got into the hearing we were warned immediately to sit still, no standing, no signs, no banners blah, blah, blah. Deseriee decided she wasn't going to sit down. The "hallway" cop was hovering, asking her to sit down. She refused, he grabbed her and she started yelling "WAR CRIMINAL, WAR CRIMINAL, WAR CRIMINAL" at the top of her lungs as he drug her from the room. First one arrested! Not long after that, when Petraeus was just absolutely lying, Leslie A. stood up and said "that's not true. That's a lie. I've been to Iran. The people are lovely". She was escorted out (they didn't arrest her???).
About this time Ray McGovern yells "SWEAR HIM IN". The chair asked him to leave, he refused for a time but was escorted out. We continued to listen to the "report" just shaking our heads at the lies. I heard Gen. P. mention Iran 4-5 times and was starting to get a little sick of him.
Medea, behind me start yelling "General Petraeus, the American people don't believe you any more....." and was taken away. Today is Medea's birthday and she will surely spend the night in jail. Then, Mona started yelling "???? (I couldn't hear what she said because the whole place started standing up to see what was going on.)
Keep in mind that by this time we had been warned by the chair to be quiet. Duncan Hunter was beside himself with wanting to get us kicked out. He didn't realize his mic was on and was saying something like "we need to get them out of here - that group in the back - CODEPINK - they are going to keep interrupting the meeting....." someone came and shut off his mic.
Medea, behind me start yelling "General Petraeus, the American people don't believe you any more....." and was taken away. Today is Medea's birthday and she will surely spend the night in jail. Then, Mona started yelling "???? (I couldn't hear what she said because the whole place started standing up to see what was going on.)
Keep in mind that by this time we had been warned by the chair to be quiet. Duncan Hunter was beside himself with wanting to get us kicked out. He didn't realize his mic was on and was saying something like "we need to get them out of here - that group in the back - CODEPINK - they are going to keep interrupting the meeting....." someone came and shut off his mic.
So, Mona is yelling and I had my cue. I stood on my chair and started yelling "General Petreaus, you're just like Colin Powell, you're ruining our military, you're going to bankrupt our country, you've betrayed military families, you'll go down in history, just like Colin Powell". At this point the police are grabbing Mona and she decides to resist. She said "don't touch me, NO, NO, No, let go of me, I'm 70 years old.....No, No.....". I jumped off of my chair and said "leave her alone" and saw an opportunity to walk out. An officer got behind me. Mona is still hysterical as I'm being escorted from the hearing. Within minutes, and after a stern warning and threat of prosecution, Arizona Liz stood up to say her piece (again, I couldn't hear her 'cuz I was out the door by this time). When we got in the hallway the officer behind me realized he needed to help the other cops with Mona. He told four officers in the hall to "hold her (me) and turned around to go help with Mona. I don't think the hallway cops heard him. As I walked toward them it was obvious that only one of them was coming to me. I saw my opportunity and started to walk, really, really fast. I passed the cops, said hi to Tiffany Burns (dear friend, Cindy Sheehan's personal assistant - who got arrested shortly thereafter) and kept on walking. I passed a group of cameras in the hall, turned the corner and pressed the elevator button. About this time an officer was coming up the stairs, not knowing what was going on, and said "use the stairs, it's faster!!!!!".
You never saw a pink cape fly down the hall and stairways so fast. I kept myself from running and within minutes was out the door, headed home.
The coolest part is that all of this made it onto the C-Span. It's great because they had a 45 second delay (just for this kind of stuff) and it made it anyway. Cactus Pat just called to say Wolf Blitzer started The Situation Room with a clip and I am attaching the MSNBC video for your enjoyment.
Peace, Lydia in DC
Good job ladies...way to keep the pressure up. Stop the killing, stop the war! I am back in the classroom, but wishing I was with you this week. Will do what I can from here.
Dear Anonymous, last time I checked, hearings are open to the public and we are guaranteed the right to free speech in this country. Let me think, aren't we in an alliance with Saudi Arabia? I personally wouldn't mind a trip there. I always wanted to visit Mecca. Go ahead and vote anyway you choose, this Is AMERICA last time I checked. Oh, and by the way...in case you haven't read your Constitution lately...American citizens have the right to assemble and to protest. Perhaps you need to re-take high school government class. Don't bring such hate in here. As I teacher, I would like to recommend that you teach and embrace peace.
Great job! We here in Arizona were particularly proud of Liz. Her timing couldn't have been better. Keep up the good work.
I am very proud of all of my CodePink sisters!! Thank you so much for risking arrest so that the truth could be heard. Peace to all.Leslie... P.S. Anonymous, if the war is such a worthy cause, perhaps you should enlist?
Today was another smack in the face by the current administration but I must say all of my Code Pink sisters helped take the sting out of that smack. Great job ladies!!! I can't wait to join you this week in DC!
We are pink and we are proud! Home sick today, monitoring the media like mad -- mostly CSPAN, Pacifica radio, and online coverage -- and I feel better now! Code Pinkers and our allies brought the grief, frustration and sense of betrayal that the whole country is feeling into that hearing room. Please follow up with visits to your "favorite" committee and subcommittee chairs, and everyone else you can think of -- I know you will. Check carefully tomorrow if Petraeus and Crocker are sworn in; and if not, why not? I'm going to email Ike "This is Intolerable" Skelton and ask why they weren't sworn in... a little perjury protection service, free of charge? And how 'bout signs that say, "Yes, Ike, this IS intolerable -- the occupation of Iraq, that is!" Thanks for all your courage and for showing up for our democracy. - Janet
Pink Ladies and friends. Thank you for fighting on. It inspires us all to keep going in the face of frustration and people (like you know who) with no concept of the Bill of Rights.
Dana, a Code Pinker in the heartland!
The tactics of disrupting hearings is not terribly persuasive. Yes, indeed, you have a right to speak, but that right should be trumped by the rights of all citizens to watch their leaders and government in action.
Your inaudible shouts fall on deaf ears because your tactics smack of anarchy and lack of decorum.
Medea Benjamin is lucky that she does not live in her Communist Cuban paradise anymore because these tactics would not go over very well with her friends such as Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez.
Code Pink, like the rest of the so called antiwar movement is a front for a small cadre of extreme domestic communist groups that is why people like Judith Leblanc, Leslie Cagen and Medea Benjamin are behind it. When you march with Code Pink and the antiwar movement, you are marching with the Communist Party USA.
Thank you so much for your courageous efforts, dear pink ladies.
I happen to agree with quite a bit of what CODEPINK stands for. I'm just embarrassed that your cause is being overshadowed by your immaturity.
You women are just sad. Speaking out is one thing. Acting like whiny children, kicking and screaming (literally) is another thing. CODEPINK has very little credibility because you and other organizations have no concept of free speech. Free speech does not mean shouting down someone who is reading a statement.
If you have succeeded at anything today it is making your organization look worse. Yes, you brought attention to your cause but have you really accomplished anything?
When you grow up you're more than welcome to sit at the adult table with the rest of us and debate like adults.
Cindy Sheehan has been going around the country spewing her venom against President Bush, the United States and the war in Iraq. Is she the modern equivalent to Axis Sally, Tokyo Rose, Lord Haw Haw or Jane Fonda? Is she a propagandist or traitor. In order to fully understand the answers to these contemporary questions, let us examine some of her statements and compare them to those of historic figures widely regarded as propagandists and traitors. In beginning our analysis, let us examine Sheehan's statements against some classic pieces of propaganda.
Striking Similarities to Jane Fonda, AKA Hanoi Jane
Cindy Sheehan, and her supporters, often describe President Bush as a "war criminal." In an open letter to President Bush, dated November 10, 2006, Sheehan wrote, You are not escaping punishment as other war criminal presidents have in our past. No matter if you and Rep. Pelosi become best buddies and take tea in the Oval Office, we the people with our mandate are not going to allow you get off Scott-free."
Jane Fonda's broadcast for the communists in Hanoi make a strikingly similar argument. Jane Fonda went to Hanoi, the North Vietnamese capital in 1972, during the Vietnam War and broadcast propaganda aimed specifically at United States servicemen and women who were then at war.
Fonda's broadcast the following message aimed at lowering troop morale and to get them to question the legality of the war. She said, "This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi. And, I'm speaking particularly to the US servicemen who are stationed on the aircraft carriers in the Gulf of Tonkin in the 7th troop, in the Anglico Coprps in South Vietnam. You are very far away, perhaps, and removed from the country that your being ordered to shoot shells at and bomb. And the use of the bombs or the condoning of the use of these bombs makes one a war criminal. The men who are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals according to international law. And, in the past, in Germany and Japan, men who were guilty of these kinds of crimes were tried and executed."
As Jane Fonda would later find out, her message was too broad and caused her problems at home because in addition to calling US leaders war criminals, she called the troops war criminals as well. She later apologized for her trip to Hanoi and her broadcasts. Sheehan has avoided that pitfall of condemning US troops by confining her venom toward Bush.
Another effective wrench in the toolbox of the propagandists is to undermine morale by telling the troops that they are being manipulated and lied to. Jane Fonda effectively adopted this strategy during her 1972 broadcasts from communist Hanoi.
In yet another broadcast aimed at American troops, Fonda said, "This is Jane Fonda, in Hanoi, and I am speaking to the men in the cockpits of the of the Phantoms, in the B-52's, the F-4's, those of you who are still here fighting the war. All of you, in your heart of hearts, know the lies. You know the cheating on the body counts, the falsified bombing reports and the number of planes that are shot down and what your targets really are. Knowing who was doing the lying, should you then allow those same liars to define who your enemy is? Let us examine the reasons to justify the murder you are being paid to commit. If they told you the truth, you wouldn't fight, you wouldn't kill. You were not born and brought up by your mothers to be killers."
Cindy Sheehan is adopting the same approach as Fonda. Sheehan, and her supporters, are constantly hitting home the message that the war in Iraq was built on lies (There are many arguments to support the notion that the war was not built on a lie such as: Iraq's violation of the treaty they signed to end the Gulf War, it's failure to cooperate with weapons inspectors to a point of even throwing them out of the country and its violation of numerous UN resolutions to compel compliance with inspectors). One of the biggest lies, according to Sheehan is that our troops are there for the war profiteers and oil. The message of Sheehan, and her ilk, is simply designed to undermine troop morale.
Fighting for the Dreaded Jews
Yet another argument that has been put forward by Sheehan is that the Jews are pulling the strings of the US effort. Sheehan is quoted as saying, "Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and a Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel." This quote of Sheehan's caught the attention of, who else, Aljazeera and is reported on their webstite under the title, "Is Cindy Sheehan Anti-Semite," dated Aug. 24, 2005. Of course, Aljazeera agrees with her position on Israel and laments that President Bush should see the light that emanates from Sheehan's intellectual superiority.
Now, to be fair, after these remarks generated a firestorm of controversy, Sheehan claimed that the quote in a letter, which she e-mailed to numerous people, including Ted Koppel, was doctored. There is, however, evidence contrary to Sheehan's claims (See Cindy Sheehan's Denial Not Well Founded).
She told a receptive crowd in San Francisco, "What we are saying too, it's like, it's okay for Israel to have nuclear weapons. But Iran and Syria better not get nuclear weapons." She went on to say that we are hypocrites because it is only okay for certain countries to have nuclear weapons (See Transcript of Sheehan Speech).
Axis Sally Blamed the "Kikes" for World War II
The blame the Jews for the war argument has been around for a long time, but a good contemporary example is that of Axis Sally. Mildred Gillars, AKA Axis Sally, was born in Maine and she fell in love with a German university professor in New York. They went to Nazi Germany where Gillars transformed herself into Axis Sally. She broadcast vile propaganda that is eerily similar to Cindy Sheehan rant that the war is being fought to benefit the Israel.
In one broadcast, directed at the women of America, she said "We're shedding our good American blood for this kike ("kike" is a derogatory word for Jews) war, this British war." She also said, "I love America, but I do not love Roosevelt and all his kike boyfriends who have thrown us into this turmoil."
Dying in the Name of Greed
A powerful way to undermine morale is to direct it at the troops so that they begin questioning what they are fighting for. Cindy Sheehan said, "War is for greed and profit." She also noted, "Are we supporting our troops dying and innocent Iraqi people being killed for oil and greed?" In yet another of Sheehan's written rants from Camp Casey she wrote, "My friends said the speakers were whipping up the crowd into a frenzy of hatred (like they already didn't hate me?) and for the peace movement. My friends said the whole theme of the rally was Cindy is killing our American troops by her anti-American protests. Of really, isn't George Bush killing innocent Americans and Iraqis by seding them to fight an illegal and immoral war for power and greed?"
Hanoi Hannah, "Pocketing Huge Profits"
Undermining troops with accusations that greed is behind their sacrifice is not a new concept. Hannoi Hannah broadcast radio propaganda from Hanoi to US troops in Vietnam. Like Sheehan, she told the troops that it was greed and profit that motivated their sacrifice.
She said, "How are you G.I. Joe? It seems to me that most of you are poorly informed about the going of the war. To say nothing about a correct explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused then to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the faintest idea of what's going on. Isn't it clear that the warmakers are gambling with your lives while pocketing huge profits?"
Sheehan Criticizes "My Country Right or Wrong"
Another classic propaganda strategy is to undermine the patriotism behind, "my country, right or wrong." Cindy Sheehan has done just that by saying, "It is not patriotism when you say, my country right or wrong." She touted what she referred to as "Matriotism," which as she said, "Matriotism is the opposite of patriotism, not to destroy it, but to be a yin to its yang, and to balance out the militarism of patriotism (See Sheehan on Matriotism). She is not alone in her criticism of, "my country right or wrong." Axis Sally rejected it to. And, like Sheehan she told everyone that she loves America and is patriotic for her criticism of the war.
Axis Sally, "My Country Right or Wrong" is False Sentimentality
In her Nazi broadcasts in support the Nazis, Axis Sally also thought it necessary to address "my Country Right or Wrong." She said, "If your child behaves badly do you agree with his misbehavior do you say to yourself, my child right or wrong, I don't care what he does? No, you don't. You try to correct that child. You try to make him a better citizen. Well, and what is a country, a country is only made up of people after all. Do you say my country right or wrong. No girls, that is false sentimentality and I do not say my country, right or wrong. I love America."
Tokyo Rose Sarcastically Acknowledged What She Was Doing
Tokyo Rose, also known as Orphan Anne, broadcast propaganda from Tokyo during World War II. Tokyo Rose was at least entertaining with her sarcastic quips. Unlike Cindy Sheehan, she could sarcastically acknowledge that she was undermining troop morale.
She would say things like, "Greetings everybody, this is your number one enemy, your favorite playmate, Orphan Anne" on Radio Tokyo. A little sunbeam whose throat you'd like to cut. We're ready again for a vicious assault on your morale. Seventy-five minutes of music and news for our friends, I mean our enemies, in the South Pacific. Well how are my little darling dopes tonight? Full of beer and belligerence?" Sheehan, and her supporters believe that they are patriots, exercising their First Amendment rights to disagree with the war. Yet, her venom is heard around the world just like that of Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose. The troops in the field hear her message just like they heard Fonda's during Vietnam.
Is Sheehan a Traitor?
Whether Cindy Sheehan is a traitor is a question of law and it is not an easy one to answer. A simple definition comes from Wikipedia which defines treason as, "The crime of disloyalty to one's nation or state. A person who betrays their citizenship and/or reneges on an oath of loyalty and in some way willfully cooperates with the enemy, is considered to be a traitor."
Recently, Cindy Sheehan went to Venezuela and met with none other than its strongman, an avowed arch enemy of the United States, Hugo Chavez. There is little disagreement that Chavez is an enemy of the US. In addition to Sheehan, Chavez met with Iran's president. Iran is providing support for our enemies in Iraq by backing the Shi'a and sending in its own fighters. Chavez has also has close ties to Fidel Castro who very nearly had nuclear missles pointed at the US.
Sheehan enjoyed her hug session with Chavez and noted that she would rather love under his rule than under President Bush. If she is not a traitor, she is coming perilously close to it by visiting Chavez. In addition to her attempts to chip away at morale here and among our troops, she recently, she went to Cuba to protest on behalf of the Jihadi terrorists in Guantamo Bay. Are you surprised?
Similarity to Benedict Arnonld
If you accept that proposition the position that words can help the enemy by undermining our morale to fight and that words can embolden the enemy, than it could be argued that Cindy Sheehan is not that far removed from Benedict Arnold. She may not be a skilled soldier in the enemy camp, but let's face it, like all propagandists, her words do hurt our war effort and just may even cost lives in this war.
The last two convicted traitors were Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally. It could be argued that they were broadcasting in a foreign nation. Yet, in this day of modern communication, Sheehan is effectively using the internet and the mass media to undermine our morale just as well as Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally. You be the judge as to what she is.
The British Knew What Propaganda Was in WW II
The British endured the constant ravings of William Joyce, AKA, Lord Haw Haw, for six years. The British finally took the location in Germany from which Lord Haw Haw was broadcasting. They captured Lord Haw Haw and hanged him for treason.
They BBC's Wynford Vaughn-Thomas actually did a mock broadcast of Lord Haw Haw, from Lord Haw Haw's own German studio after he first fled, following a drunken on air rant.
The mock broadcast began, "This is Germany calling. Calling for the last time from station Hamburg and tonight you will not hear views on the news by William Joyce. For Mr. Joyce, Lord Haw Haw to most of us in Britain has been most unfourtunately interrupted in his broadcasting career and at present has left, rather hurriedly for a vacation, an extremely short vacation if the Second British Army has anything to do with it. Maybe to Denmark and other points north. And, in his place this is the BBC calling all the long suffering listeners in Britain who for six years have had to put up with the acid tones of Mr. Joyce speaking over the same wavelengths that I am using to talk to you know.
Like Lord Haw Haw, Cindy Sheehan puts out her anti-American, anti-Bush, pro-enemy views on the news on her blog. In her constant barrage of statements to a starry eyed media and on numerous websites. We to are long suffering listeners to Sheehan's acid tones.
She Needs a New Name
At least they had fun names for the propagandists of old. Does anyone have any suggestions for a name, in the old tradition, for Cindy Sheehan. This is tough because it is hard to match her propaganda with a city. How about, Cindy Sheehan, AKA"The Voice of Aljazeera in America."
Some members of Cindy Sheehan's in-laws will not even talk to her because of her extreme stance and their position that her views are not reflective of her fallen son's. It can be said with almost absolute certainty, that mostly all the soldiers who are fighting today probably would turn over in their graves if their mothers spewed the same venom that Sheehan does. Why, because they, like many of us, believe in what they are doing. And, just maybe they might haunt their mothers for it, just like Sheehan haunts us with the chains and locks she keeps making noise with like some demonically possessed ghost of hippie weirdos past.
You cannot say that you support the troops in one breath and then go out and publicly try to undermine the publics confidence and morale in the other. Our troops and enemies hear these messages. And, most of Sheehan's hate filled spew is not an academic critique, it is hatred, pure and simple, but it sells in San Francisco .
My sincere wishes to all of you women, to waking up someday and realizing how foolish and wrong you are. You have every right to protest--every right to speak your mind--and every right to question--and you have that right thanks to the millions that laid down their lives in the name of freedom. War is horrible--people die--but unfortunately its sometimes neccesary. What peace could Code Pink find with the likes of Hitler, Sadam, Bin Laden, and Amadenajhad. Respect the fact you have the rights you do in this country. The ladies of Code Pink would have their tongues cut out in the Iraq of old--stoned to death in Iran--and shoved in an oven in Hitler's Germany. So thanks to war--you do have the right to protest and scream out like children--you have the right to voice your idiotic opinions. Just realize it was war that protected your rights--and war that gave you freedom and liberty. Go protest for the millions that dont have rights or freedom--and quit being critical of the great country you live in. Your all pathetic examples of Americans--and have to be the most uniformed and stupid citizens in this great country!
Gradually, an almost unknown sober point of view regarding the consequences of leaving Iraq is brewing to the surface after being shouted down for so long by the starry eyed war opponents who believe that if we leave Iraq it will turn into a Utopian technicolor land of Oz. The cut and run crowd would have you believe that after we leave you can just turn the news audio down, crank up Pink Floyd's "The Wall," light up a joint and watch the "trippy"results of the peaceful stable land of Oz that will follow in Iraq.
"But Ya Are Blanch!"
Don't be swayed by this monumental mistake that the starry eyed opponents of this war would have our country commit. They will tell you that we should not have gone into Iraq in the first place. Let, the historians look back, with the perspective that only time gives, and be the judge, but first consider a pop culture perspective. In the movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane," Blanch, played by Joan Crawford, told her sister, played by Bette Davis, "If only I weren't in this wheelchair." Her sister's simple and sober reply was, "But ya are Blanch!" Whether you agree with why we went into Iraq, does not really matter. The fact is, we are there. Don't be fooled by the starry eyed view on this war. The road to hell is truly paved with thetheir good intentions, albeit based on a myopic unrealistic view of the naysayers.
If we do not win this war, if we leave Iraq, it will descend into a Dystopian nightmare with dire consequences. There is almost no dispute that if we leave, Iraq will descend into a civil war that will make our own Civil War look tame by comparison. We will end up leaving a large scale global version of the Hatfield and the McCoy feud. As you may recall, the Hatfields and McCoys were two West Virginian families that fought a feud, beginning in 1862, which lasted generations.
Beyond the Hatfields and McCoys
The Iraqi version of the Hatfields and McCoys are the Sunni's and the Shi'a's. The difference is that the Sunni's and Shi'a's are not merely two families fighting a feud. Iraq has a population of some 27 million people. Of that, between 60-65% are Shi'a and 32-27% are Sunni. As you can see, the feud that will follow will involve substantial numbers of people. So, it is fair to ask just how will this massive feud between the Shi'a and the Sunni's will impact the United States and the world at large? How will it impact you?
If we leave Iraq to its fate, the Civil War that follows will surely result in a bloodbath and like a modern Black Plague it will spread throughout the whole region and become a global crisis of epic proportions. In keeping with our analagy with the the Hatfields and McCoys, it is important to recall that their feud stayed in the back woods of West Virginia simply because there were no Hatfields and McCoys in neighboring areas or states. The Shi'a and Sunni feud is different because the Shi'as and Sunni's are ethnicities that exist all throughout the Middle East. So, you can't walk in the sands of Middle East without stepping on a Shi'a or Sunni somewhere. What difference will that make if we leave them to fight a Civil War?
Iraq's Neighbors When We Leave
The difference is that an Iraqi Civil War will surely drag in its neighbors. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait and Jordan are majority Sunni countries and they may not take too kindly to Shi'a domination in Iraq. They will almost surely back their fellow Sunnis in an Iraqi Civil War. The Iranians and Syrians are majority Shi'a countries and they will not take too kindly to Sunni domination of Iraq. So, it is almost a certainty that an Iraqi Civil War will catch the attention of its neighbors. So, what difference does it make if an Iraqi Civil War catches the attention of its neighbors?
Already, Iran and Syria are providing support for the Shi'a in Iraq. They are just frothing at the mouth like rabbid animals waiting for the United States to cut and run. If we leave, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kuwait will fill the void and become involved in this Civil War to stem the tide of Iranian and Syrian support for the Shi'a. Then you will have the ethnic strife play out between the countries of the Middle East. So, what does all this mean? History just might provide some clues. World War I is the mother of all examples of how a little bit of ethnic strife can turn the whole world upside down.
The Lesson of World War I
Now, World War I is a very complicated and all but forgotten subject, but it provides valuable insight into the potential disaster that looms on the horizon in Iraq if the cut and run crowd has their way. It began with ethnic strife in Serbia between the Slavs and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Slavs were tired of domination by the Austro-Hungarian Empire that did not share in their ethnicity. So, what happened?
Believe it or not, World War I began with a single gunshot when Gavrilo Princip assasinated the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. So, how did an ethnic conflict and an assasination that appeared to be contained in Serbia end up spreading and swallowing the whole world to such an extent that it caused 40 million casulaites?
It happened because the Austro-Hungarians went into Serbia to try and crush the ethnic strife that caused the assasination of Franz Ferdinand. The problem was that the Serbs had ties to the Russian's who shared a common ethnicity with them. Well, the Austro-Hungarians had ties to the Germans who shared a common ethnicity with them. The unthinkable did happen. Russia got drawn in and mobilized its army on behalf of the Serbs to insure that the Austro-Hungarians did not crush the Slavs. Germany then became involved on behalf of their allies the Austro-Hungarians. Now, the French had a treaty with Russia and to satisfy that treaty they went to war with Germany. The British had a treaty with the French and they also went to war with Germany. The United States became involved because its people died on British ships that were sunk by German submarines. And what, happened, a global war of epic proportions that gave the world trench warfare, chemical weapons, air war, tanks and brutality on a scale that was unmatched in human history.
Parallells to the Causes of World War I
Having established that ethnic strife is much larger and more complex than the Hatfield and McCoy feud and that it can swallow the world into a global war, it is important to tie all of this in with Iraq. In order to see just how similar this scenario is to the events that gave rise to World War I.
It is naive to believe that there will be no global jockying for power in an Iraq in the aftermath of cut and run. No, one disputes that the Middle East is a vital region for a number of countries that purchase its oil. By the way, Iraq has about a quarter of the entire world's oil. So, that means that an unstable Middle East will surely catch the attention of a world that is addicted to oil, not merely the United States. China, Japan, India and any other number of countries consume large amounts of oil. How will these countries react if Iran ends up with a lot of influence in Iraq? Like the Serbs, Iran has allies in the world. Its president just met with Chavez who is completely anti-American and will surely cut off his oil supplies to the United States in support of its Iranian ally. You will see a deadly combination in which the world descends on Iraq to support whatever faction it thinks will protect its oil interests while others become involved out of ethnic concerns. A scenario like this is a World War III in the making. And, unlike World War I, this is now a nuclear world where the stakes are vastly higher.
Whoever controls Iraqi oil will then have access to billions and billions of oil revenue. What happens the group that comes out on top is hostile to the United States? Or, what happens if it is a group committed to the global Jihad? The answer is that the oil revenue will fatten the coffers of our enemies. Don't expect that money to end up supporting charitable causes like the Red Cross, it will go toward arms to destroy Israel and to destroy the United States and its allies.
Even if you discount the oil argument, consider Israel's response to the potential of Iranian influence in Iraq. Israel is already a nuclear power and Iran is looking to get nukes. Do you really think that this is not a problem in the making? A nuclear war in the Middle East will surely impact the globe.
What happens if the group that comes out on top shuts off Iraqi oil? You will see a global economic meltdown that will lead to a genuine Dark Age. The United States economy will all but come to a halt. The trucks supplying your local Stop & Shop and Big Y will not come. Wall Street will sink to a point that will make the 1929 crash look like a drop in the bucket. With the world so intertwined, what do you think will happen to the economies of other nations when the United States has an economic meltdown? You guessed it, a global depression. Of course, this would be a much better result than the World War I scenario, but don't think hundreds of millions around the world would not feel pain.
The Turk Factor
Don't discount Turkey either. Their natural enemies are the non-Islamic, Kurds living in nothern Iraq. Should a Civil War leave the Kurds with enough nationalistic fervor to declare their own state, you will almost certainly see Turkey become involved. The Turks, by the way, killed some 2 million Armenians in 1915. Couple all of this with the Islamic doctrine that preaches violence against the infidels and you have a deadly cocktail waiting in the shaker behind the bar. So, don't think this is not a dangerous scenario waiting in the wings.
The Possibilities, Including the Woodstock Scenario
The scenarios presented here are only possibilities and all are quite scary. The best case scenario will probably be the Killing Fields of Cambodia that occurred after we left Vietnam and resulted in 1.5 million deaths. The worst case scenario will be World War III. In between these two exremes is global economic depression. If we leave, we will have a little break to party, but be assured it will not last very long.
Another scenario is the one that says that after the great American Satan leaves, Iraqi, and the whole of the Middle East, will come together in a massive Woodstock like hippie festival, smoke some pot and hold hands, sing John Lennon's "Imagine" and shout slogans like "Make love not war!" Sadly, if history is a good gauge of the future, this will definitely not happen. There will be no massive Middle East or Islamic Woodstock if you use the past as a gauge for the future. Iraq and the Middle East is vastly more complex.
President Bush
Admittedly, President Bush has not been able to articulate the consequence like Winston Churchill was able to do a couple of generations back. The fact remains, he is doing the right thing in standing up to this Democratic Congress, and its San Franciscan Speaker of the House, that we so erroneously put into power. President Bush needed a wake up call to change the strategy, but we have gone to the extreme and it will certainly be to our detriment if the Democrats continue on the path of undermining the war. He will either go down in history as a great man or he will go down in history, along with a lot of people who lived in the early and mid-1930's, as a person who issued a warning that no one listened to to their detriment.
After the Soviets cut and ran from Afghanistan, they left it unstable and we had to go in and clean up the mess. Afghanistan, however, has no resources other than opium so you could ignore it for a while and it would not draw the world in. Nevertheless, even in the absence of resources, its instability still drew the world in. Iraq is a very different scenario and the cut and runners are setting the world up for a disaster of epic proportions.
Take a deep breath because this is the world that we could be handing our children and grandchildren if we don't look at the consequences. The potential for disaster is proven by history. Don't be swayed by a media that takes a simple child like view of the war. Don't be swayed by the starry eyed idealists because if we buy their ignorant view of reality we will be paying a mighty high price.
You can bet that the vast majority of the very troops that Sen. Kerry thought were so ignorant and stupid know exactly what is at stake in this war and let us hope that they complete their mission. They have not sacrificed so much to let us surrender this region to the larger wars that will follow a cut and run strategy.
Written Feb 2007, but still relevant! Know who you are marching with!
The starry eyed mainstream media played up this weekend's protests in Washington D.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles, but there is a piece of information about the protest that was notably absent from the coverage. Who actually organized these protests that attracted Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, Jesse Jackson, Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon (Cindy Sheehan AKA Voice of Aljazeera attended their protests in California)? If you guessed the communists and socialists, you are right. It was organized by a communist front group called United for Peace and Justice which bills itself as the largest anti-war group in America.
United For Peace and Justice (UFPJ) is a Front for Communists and Socialists
The Washington DC peace protests, as well as smaller protests in California over the weekend, were organized by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) which is a coalition organized by socialists and communists. Among the most notable communist on its steering committee is, Judith LeBlanc, the vice-chair of the Communist Party USA. There are numerous other communists, socialists and extremist sympathisers behind the UFPJ. The UFPJ's website lists its steering committee on its own website (See United For Justice and Peace Steering Committee).
Unlike the starry eyed mainstrem media, the World Socialist Web Site will tell you exactly who was pounding the pavement to drum up their agenda of undermining America. A January 29, 2007 article on their website says, "The fear is shared by those who organized the January 27 demostrations. The United for Peace and Justice Coalition includes the liberal Democratic MoveOn.Org and is headed by such "left" defenders of the Democratic Party as the Communist Party Stalinist leader Judith LeBlanc and veteran protest organizer Leslie Cagen (See Communists Behind United for Justice and Peace ).
Comminst Party Vice-Chair Judith LeBlanc is the Co-Chair of UFJP
So, who is Judith LeBlanc anyway? Judith Leblanc has a long history with the communist party and has been active with the UFJP since at least 2003 (See LeBlanc at UFJP 2003 Conference). Even Wilkipedia acknownledges Judith LeBlanc's key role in the so called "peace movement" and acknowleges that she is the co-chair of the UFJP (See the Wilkipedia definition for Communist Party USA and scroll most of the way down to the bottom of the article to "The Communist Party and Peace Movement" which is just above the sources list). The Communist Party USA still advertises this weekend's protests on its website (See Communist Party USA Website).
I personally came to know Judith LeBlanc in 1996 because I did a radio show on WSUB, in Groton, Connecticut, and she was one my controversial talk radio guests. She was, at that time, one of eight national chairs of the Communist Party USA and on the radio she proudly touted her then recent meeting with Fidel Castro when he came to New York and the virtues of communism. Since then, the Communist Party USA has given her a promotion for her valuable service to undermine America.
Leslie Cagen is Another High Profile Communist Behind the UFJP
Leslie Cagen is one of the national co-ordinators for UFJP. Like Medea Benjamin (Founder of Code Pink), Cagen has ties to Cuba and is a sympathizer of its communist dictator Fidel Castro. According to Wilkipedia, Leslie Cagen co-founded the UFJP. Years ago, she helped organize pro-communist Cuba rallies and among her supporters were the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Workers of the World Party and the Young Socialists (See Also ). She was a member of a Communist Party spin off group called Committees of Correspondence.
UFPJ Leadership Tied to the National Network on Cuba
Still another member of the UFPJ steering committee is Sobukwe Shukura who heads the National Network on Cuba. The National Network on Cuba (NNOC), which also goes by the name Cuban Solidarity, is an umbrella group for several organizations that support Castro's communist regime (See He provided quotes to the Communist Party's weekly newspaper touting the virtues of Fidel Castro's communist paradise in Cuba (See Cuba Solidarity). The Cuban Solidarity website lists all of the members of the NNOC and the lions share are socialist and communist groups (See NNOC Member Groups ). Of course, the position of the NNOC and Cuban Solidarity is that communist Cuba is paradise. The position of the NNOC, however, is not rooted in reality (See State Dept. Cuba Human Rights Report).
Young Communist League Coordinator is on UFPJ Steering Comittee
Jessica Marshall is on the UFPJ steering committee, but her communist credentials are not listed. In fact, she is the national coordinator for the Young Communist League (See Communist Party's Call to Action Article). On the list of the UFPJ's steering committee, her communist credentials are less apparent because she is listed as being with the "National Youthand Student Peace Coalition." Marshal is not the only one with direct ties to the communist party on the lengthy UFPJ steering committee list which is rife with extremists and radicals. Yet, let no one doubt, UFPJ is a creation of the Communist Party USA and it was able to attract tens of thousands to its "antiwar" protest.
Why Would the Communist Be Behind the "Anti-War "Movement
So, why would the communist be interested in promoting "anti-war" protests? After all, Marx's Communist Manifesto, which is the communist version of the Bible, urges its adherent to undertake violent revolutions to establish communist government. Two of modern history's most significant mass murderers were Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot and they were both communists.
To be sure, communists have sent armies into Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Afghanistan, Angola and numerous other countries. Usually, when the communists invaded countries, the Communist Party USA was silent. They are also silent when it comes to the human rights abuses of communist countries around the world.
The communists are behind UFPJ not because they are against war. The communists seek to undermine confidence in President Bush because they know that lack of confidence in the government will weaken the country and its influence abroad. They know that if we lose the war in Iraq, we will be weaker around the world. The communists are not behind UFPJ because they care about the troops. Make no mistake about it, the Communist Party USA wants to establish a communist government in the United States. Their program is on their website and they make no secret that they believe if they can undermine President Bush, they can undermine the country.
So, it appears that Jane Fonda, is still shilling for the communists along with her friends Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jesse Jackson, the MoveOn.Org crowd and Rep. Dennis Kucinich. Moreover, there were countless protesters that communist icon Vladimir Lenin once referred to as "useful idiots" because they are ignorant that they are actually shills for the communist party's larger agenda, which in this case, is to drum up anti-war support to support a larger communist agenda that they are not even aware of.
The Communist Party and, various socialist groups, are not anti-war. On the contrary, they support war and tyranny when they are designied to bolster communism. They are anti-American and are behind the anti-war agenda because they know that if we lose the war in Iraq or if we cut and run, it will have disasterous consequences for America. Their real agenda is to undermine America and chip away at its influence throughout the world. These communists and sociliasts are setting the acid toned dialogue that is undermining our country, our president and our troops overseas. They are winning this war here at home because like a plague they are undermining confidence in the administration and spreading hate against the country and the president both here at home and abroad. And, don't you think that is what they have been trying to do for years now? Their winning!
Please get as many people to tie up the phone lines at GE in Connecticut with a protest and boycott. Spread the word far and wide.
Call GOP contributor and war contractor General Electric Corporation at 203 373 2211 and ask for the public relations department. Tell the person in public relations that you want the GE CEO to get Bush to end the war in Iraq and then Bush resign with Cheney and until that happens you will not buy any GE products and that you will tell your friends about this.
For the cost of a telegram send your congressman, Senator or Mr. Bush a real message to get out of Iraq now. If they receive one of these they won't soon forget your message. It costs as much as a telegram to send this message and unlike a telegram they will not soon throw it out.
I own GE stock and it is in my retirement portfolio. Why would you want to take action that would hurt a working man's retirement?
Oh, I know, you want the freedom to disrupt Congress, but God forbid someone have a view that does not comply with your own.
I thought telegrams were eliminated by Western Union. I guess you haven't taken your own advice....
Code Pink members are like the Nazi brown shirts. The only difference is they wear pink! Same crap, different color.
For the cost of a telegram send your congressman, Senator or Mr. Bush a real message to get out of Iraq now. If they receive one of these they won't soon forget your message. It costs as much as a telegram to send this message and unlike a telegram they will not soon throw it out.
From the Western Union website...
Effective January 31, 2006, Western Union discontinued all Telegram and Commercial Messaging services. We regret any inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you for your loyal patronage.
I guess the person in the above post who urges people to send telegrams is probably with the Raging Grannies or maybe just an idiot.
There simply are no telegrams anymore to compare costs with OKAY
I am disabled and have GE in my 401K and am retiring soon. I am offended that you would urge a boycott of GE to send a message to them by impacting what little I have saved.
For the cost of a telegram send your congressman, Senator or Mr. Bush a real message to support the Communist Party USA, embrace Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro and get out of Iraq now.
If they receive one of these they won't soon forget your message. It costs as much as a telegram to send this message urging your support of the communist agenda and the communist dictators of Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea and unlike a telegram they will not soon throw it out.
Well well stupid right wingers have gotten out of the mental hospital. Yes you can still send a telegram. Just do google on telegram. You will find companies that deliver telegrams.
I marvel at the stupidity of right wingers who have Bush derangment syndrome. The love of Bush has deranged them to lash out at anyone who criticizes the chimp in the white house.
Telegrams are like from the 1940's!
Also, the stupid ones are those who elected the Democrats! Just see how you wasted your time getting them to see the light of your point of view!
The Democrats made a lot of promises, but have they delivered on those promises. Hell, they passed more legislation in Iraq than in the democrat controlled Congress. The democrats promised YOU to end the war and THEY HAVEN'T. So, who is the real sucker, SUCKER!
Don't get to down on the right wingers. After all, the Republicans freed the slaves and gave us the amendments to the Constitution that abolished slavery and expanded the Bill of Rights to the States. The Democrats supported slavery and opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. The Democrats actually wrote their support of slavery into their platform.
The Republicans held the majority of governorships when women's suffrage was passed. Republican Ronald Reagan caused the collapse of the USSR with his tough defense policies.
The Republicans freed women in Afghanistan. The Republican Party is the party of freedom while the Democratic Party is the Party of oppression and defeatism.
Don't get to down on the right wingers. After all, the Republicans freed the slaves and gave us the amendments to the Constitution that abolished slavery and expanded the Bill of Rights to the States. The Democrats supported slavery and opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. The Democrats actually wrote their support of slavery into their platform.
The Republicans held the majority of governorships when women's suffrage was passed. Republican Ronald Reagan caused the collapse of the USSR with his tough defense policies.
The Republicans freed women in Afghanistan. The Republican Party is the party of freedom while the Democratic Party is the Party of oppression and defeatism.
The fact is the Democratic Party is using you and groups like Code Pink. They really view you as undisciplined children and as the general elections approaches they will distance themselves from you because they democratic party leadership views this part of the base as the fringe and that is why you have achieved ZERO! You and your ilk are going to get a big slap in the face from the Democratic Party in the coming months. Just wait and see....
Support your Communist brothers, sisters and the Socialist Worker's of the World Party this weekend by marching with International ANSWER.
We would really like it if you brought your Che Guavaro posters and helped us express hatred for Israel...
Brian Becker, International ANSWR
Medea Benjamin and CodePINK member
On 17 November 2002, Medea Benjamin, Miriam Simos a.k.a. "Starhawk", Jodie Evans, Diane Wilson and approximately 100 other Liberal women kicked off CodePINK. They marched through the streets of Washington DC and set up for a four month vigil in front of the White House in an effort to weaken and divide America. The name CodePINK is a play on the Bush Administration's color-coded homeland security advisory system that signals terrorist threats.
CodePINK is just another group of anti-American protesters with very strong Communist and Marxist beliefs. Like all the other so-called "Peace Activists", they always seem to be part of the problem and never part of the solution. They seem to spend a considerable amount of time causing traffic jams and shouting their anti-American rhetoric calling our soldiers "Killers" and "Occupation Troops" with total disregard for the people that these actions affect. They do everything they can to divide America and never anything to unite America. They thrive and exist on any conflict that enables them to cause problems for others. It is how they get attention. After all of their disruptive antics, then they ask for donations. Like many, if not all of these groups, donations always seem to be used to cover administrative costs, salaries, and for causing the problems previously mentioned while never actually solving the problem at hand. It is never money well spent.
Medea Susan Benjamin
Medea Benjamin was born in 1952 with the name Susan Benjamin. During her freshman year at Tufts University, she renamed herself after the Greek mythological character Medea. It was a name chosen because it was a personality that she could identify on a highly personal level.
In Greek Mythology, the character Medea was born into wealth as the daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis, and the granddaughter of Helios, the sun god. She also had magic powers. Both of these gave her feelings of self-importance and an elitist attitude. She was an extremely jealous woman that killed her two daughters as an act of revenge against her husband. This is the character that Medea Benjamin uses as a role model.
She dropped out of school after a year and spent some time hitchhiking across Europe and Africa. She then lived in Cuba with her first husband, who was the coach of Cuba's national basketball team while she wrote for a Cuban newspaper. According to Ms. Benjamin, the communist social and economic structure fit well with her political views. She is currently married to Kevin Danaher. Communist, Marxist, and Socialist doctrine and hatred for America run deep in Medea Benjamin, Kevin Danaher, and the rest of this group. Once this fact is accepted, it is easy to see the direction of this organization... Anti-American, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Liberty, and Anti-Freedom.
She has even written a few books. "Cuba: Thoughts about Revolution", "NO FREE LUNCH: Food Revolution Cuba", and "Bridging the Global Gap: A Handbook to Linking Citizens of the First and Third Worlds". These literary works of art can be found on E-Bay ranging in price from $0.75 - $2.50.
These are the same people that want you to believe they have the best interests of the American Military. Nothing could be further from the truth. They consider the American Military to be the enemy. During the last week of December, 2004, Medea Benjamin announced in Amman, Jordan, that Global Exchange, CodePINK, and Families for Peace would be donating a combined total of more than $600,000 in medical supplies and cash to the terrorist insurgents who were fighting American troops in Fallujah, Iraq with the full knowledge and consent of Left-wing Congressman Henry Waxman, D-CA. It was personally delivered to the "other side" by Nadia McCaffrey.
Democrat Congressman Henry Waxman
That's right. Congressman Henry Waxman, Democrat Congressman from California (pictured to the right), has actively participated in the financing and support of the insurgents fighting American troops. Congressman Henry Waxman signed a letter allowing Medea Benjamin and a dozen of her followers to move over $600,000 of cash and supplies into camps housing refugees from Fallujah, with no outside inspection of its contents.
Here is an American Congressman who has actively participated in and assisted American citizens who belong to CodePINK and other pro-Marxist, anti-American organizations, in traveling to Iraq for the sole purpose of materially aiding and supporting an enemy that is killing American Soldiers and Marines and has sworn on an oath of death to kill as many Americans as possible around the world. How is that not Treason?
Medea Benjamin is co-founder of both CodePINK and the San Francisco-based human rights organization Global Exchange and she is a member of other organizations with strong Marxist agendas such as Progressive Democrats of America.
As Teresa Heinz Kerry gave her prime-time address that never mentioned Iraq, CodePINK founder Medea Benjamin attempted to bring an anti-war message onto the floor of the convention. Moment's later police were dragging her out of the Fleet Center. As Teresa Heinz Kerry spoke last night, on the floor of the convention, Medea Benjamin from Global Exchange and CodePINK unfurled a pink colored banner that read, "End the Occupation of Iraq." That apparently was not one of the DNC-approved messages of the night because within moments of the banner being unfurled, police were called in to remove Medea Benjamin.
Benjamin was dragged off the convention floor and thrown out of the Fleet Center. She said the DNC was asked whether they wanted her arrested and it was decided that would not look good.
ets put their actions into perspective. If Medea Benjamin had been around during WWII, she and her group would have been siding with Adolf Hitler. The attack on Pearl Harbor would have been considered our fault by CodePINK. And after the war was over, CodePINK would have helped smuggle secrets about the Atomic Bomb to the Russians because not doing so would give the United States an unfair advantage over the rest of the world.
Medea Benjamin likes to show up where she can cause the most trouble. She was one of the organizers behind the 1999 Seattle riots, but has toned down her actions and now specializes in "uniting the American public" (note sarcastic tone) by attending events with the intent to be rude, disruptive, and loud such as at the last inauguration speech of President Bush and Vice President Cheney's speech at the GOP convention, etc.
Being arrested used to be a shameful incident, but it seems to be the goal of these people. They break the law just to get attention. They disrupt the civilized process with total disregard for the rest of the population. Nothing positive comes of it. They just get in everybody's way and cause problems for everybody else. This is just another attempt to prevent others from exercising the 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech. THEY have the right to speak, but no one else should to be given the same consideration.
Medea Benjamin seems to favor those foreign terrorists that kill the Iraqi people who want nothing more than democracy and freedom. She and the rest of CodePINK are doing everything they can to disrupt those efforts in helping to establish this level of freedom for someone else. This is the epitome of selfishness. But that is what Liberalism is at its core.
Medea Benjamin and the rest of the ladies of CodePINK are openly aiding the terrorists that are killing both American soldiers and Iraqis. By doing this, she encourages Islamic Terrorists to continue the killing. It makes you wonder if some of the financing that CodePINK receives comes from al-Qaeda, HAMAS, or Hezbollah (America's sworn enemies) just to weaken America.
In January 2005, CodePINK acknowledged a donation of more than $600,000 in medical supplies and cash to the "other side" in the terrorist haven city of Fallujah in Iraq. Once again, keep this in mind. CodePINK gave over $600,000 of "Aid and Comfort" to our enemies. They did not give $600,000 of "Aid and Comfort" to our soldiers. They have also participated in war crimes tribunals against America and they refer to American soldiers as "Killers" on their website.
This entire arrangement does create a convenient method of smuggling supplies to Terrorists that need them. The theory goes like this. The money comes from anti-American groups to CodePINK where it is converted into the much-needed supplies that go back to city of Fallujah in Iraq and directly into hands of the terrorists. And all with the blessing of CodePINK. How much care was given to those supplies? What was the actual inventory of those supplies?
At the same time that codepink was making this contribution, United States Marines were in Fallujah fighting and dying at the hands of the "other side" that CodePINK was busy funding. This is how the CodePINK supports the Troops - they fund the enemy. How many Marines, and subsequently other troops of other services have been injured and killed because of CodePINK's financial assistance to the "other side"?
Gael Murphy
From the CodePINK website:
Gael Murphy, one of the co-founders of CodePINK, was born in Paris, France on February 10, 1954. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology, and Masters Degrees in African Area Studies, Public Health and Fine Arts. Ms. Murphy worked in Africa and the Caribbean as a public health advisor specializing in maternal and child health between 1975 and 1997. For the past seven years, Ms. Murphy has served as a grants evaluator and committee chair within the Threshold Foundation. Active in the peace and justice movement, Ms. Murphy serves on the executive committee of CodePINK: Women for a Peace. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Occupation Watch Center and a steering committee member of United for Peace and Justice. A resident in Washington, DC, Ms. Murphy has traveled extensively and has lived in Africa and Europe. Currently, Ms. Murphy is documenting social justice issues and women's activism in the United States and the Middle East.
Under the leadership of Gael Murphy, CodePINK has traveled to Iraq where they helped to establish the "Occupation Watch Center" that exists to undermine America's action against insurgents and enemy combatants.
Jodie Evans
From the CodePINK website:
Jodie Evans, co-founder of CodePINK has been a community, social and political organizer for the last 30 years. She has used her skills, for the protection of the earth, to give voice to communities and people who go unheard and unseen, in the area of human and civil rights, to protect the rights of women, to raise the minimum wage for farm workers, to protect dolphins, in El Salvador in the early 80's and with Zapitistas since '94. From 1973 to 1982, she served in administrative capacities in all of Jerry Brown's campaigns and in his staff and cabinet as Director of Administration. Breakthroughs in wind and solar energy happened while she was overseeing the office of Appropriate Technology.
"We have nothing against communism."
-- Jodie Evans, CodePINK Leader Admits Communist Sympathies, "Shut-up-athon" at Fox News' headquarters in New York City at 6th Avenue at 48th Street, August 31, 2004
Whose side do you think she supported in El Salvador? You can be sure it was the one with the Marxist agenda.
This group is nothing more than another useless group of people that think we should not defend ourselves against Islamic Terrorists. They are of the belief that America deserved to be attacked on 11 September 2001.
These people have a theory and that theory states the following:
The way that terrorists, i.e. enemies of America, will learn to respect us is if we dress up in pink, show blatant disrespect toward our military, and learn to understand and show compassion toward those that seek our complete and total annihilation. Oh yeah, that's a well thought out strategy!!! (Note sarcastic tone)
Besides her involvement with CodePINK, Jodie Evans sits on the board of directors of the Rain Forest Action Network (RAN), a coalition of anti-capitalist, anti-corporate environmentalist groups. RAN’s co-founder Mike Roselle also founded the Earth Liberation Front.
Jodie Evans also sits on the advisory board of the International Occupation Watch (IOW) center in Iraq, which CodePINK helped establish. Both organizers of Occupation Watch, Medea Benjamin and Leslie Cagan have explicitly declared that their purpose in setting up headquarters in Baghdad was to thin U.S. forces by getting soldiers to declare themselves conscientious objectors. Leslie Cagan is the pro-Castro leader of United For Peace and Justice.
With her far Left-wing views, Jodie Evans has found a political home in the Democratic Party. In the weeks preceding the recent California governor’s recall election, Evans was instrumental in convincing several women to come forward and tell the L.A. Times their allegations against Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not surprisingly, she also helped organize picketing sessions in front of Schwarzenegger’s campaign headquarters
Jodie Evans is a very rich and powerful woman, thanks to her divorce settlement from the billionaire capitalist Max Palevsky in "common property" California. With her financial good fortune in the divorce settlement, the ex-Mrs. Palevsky can easily afford to be a Radical Socialist and promote CodePINK's Marxist doctrine. This helps to explain the rabid anti-Semitism of CodePINK and Ms. Evans’ other ventures. More on this can be found at sweetness-light.com.
Jodie Evans is a perfect example of another woman that chose to ride on the coattails of a successful man in order to obtain her wealth and power. And she chose a billionaire capitalist, the ultimate example of the capitalist system. You know... it was given to her... she did not actually have to work to earn it. This is so typical of how she did not have to actually work for her money and yet she espouses Marxist doctrine regarding everyone else.
Miriam Simos a.k.a. "Starhawk"
Miriam Simos (who later took the name "Starhawk") was born on June 17, 1951, in St. Paul, Minnesota. In 1982 she received a Master's degree in "Feminist Therapy" at Antioch University West. She worked as a psychotherapist in San Francisco from 1983 to 1986 and then taught at Antioch West and other colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area. She traveled widely, lecturing and teaching the art of ritual making to various members of the clergy, therapists, and personal-growth seekers.
Miriam Simos a.k.a. "Starhawk" a practitioner of feminist Wicca (witchcraft) in the United States. As a bisexual feminist witch living in Berkeley, "Starhawk" is a veteran of many anti-American movements, from anti-war to anti-nukes, CodePINK being just one of them. For 30 years, she has organized and trained protesters for anti-nuclear actions at Diablo Canyon, Livermore Weapons Lab, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and the Nevada Test Site. Her targets are those that have kept America free and safe for decades.
She has been to Nicaragua with "Witness for Peace" in 1984. She continues to provide her expertise on the front lines of the Palestine/Israel conflict, working diligently with Palestinian peace activists in limiting the ability of Israel to defend itself and weakening Israel against those that wish its destruction. Miriam made four trips to the so-called "occupied territories" with Adam Shapiro's International Solidarity Movement (ISM). As you can imagine, this is very much an anti-American organization.
"Starhawk" should really be careful with the Muslims that she considers friends. Most of them are believers in Radical Islam. The Koran clearly states that those that practice homosexuality and infidels should be put to death. Both Radical Islam and the Koran do not show much tolerance toward either "Disrespectful Women", "Liberated Women", "Practitioners of Witchcraft", or "Jewish Women".
She runs a website that contains one Israel-bashing, Arab-loving essay after another. It is easy to see from this website why she sides with the likes of al-Qaeda and the rest of Radical Islam and the enemies of America. After reading this website, it is easy to see that she and CodePINK pose a serious threat to America. With the attitude that is displayed, it is easy to see that the $600,000 in medical supplies and cash was meant go to the terrorist insurgents who were fighting and killing American troops in Fallujah, Iraq.
It is important to keep this in mind:
CodePINK gave over $600,000 of "Aid and Comfort" to our enemies. They did not give $600,000 of "Aid and Comfort" to our soldiers. They have also participated in war crimes tribunals against America and they refer to American soldiers as "Killers" on their website.
Whenever "Starhawk" speaks of her work in that part of the world, she always refers to it as Palestine. Keep in mind that is how the Islamic world refers to Israel. Like HAMAS, Hezbollah, PLO, and al-Qaeda. And we know what their feelings are on America. These are the same views that CodePINK and the rest of these protest groups all have in common i.e. anti-American and anti-Israel. And to think, at one time, before the Wiccan way of life took, she was raised as a Jewish girl, which makes her actions even more reprehensible. This is proof that some people will do anything for acceptance.
Starhawk" has participated in many of the major protests in recent memory, including those in Seattle, Washington DC, Quebec City, Genoa, New York City, Cancun, Mexico, and Miami. She co-founded RANT: Root Activists' Network of Trainers, and teaches non-violent direct action trainings for many protest groups. One of her protest training workshops is the Earth Activist Training workshop.
"Starhawk" is active in the peace movement by befriending those what wish the destruction of America, and works with CodePINK trying to achieve this goal.
"Starhawk" is also known as a voice in the revival of earth-based spirituality and Goddess religion. She is also one of the co-founders of Reclaiming, a Wiccan group based in San Francisco that is an activist branch of the modern Pagan religion, and continues to work closely with the Reclaiming community. With strong ties to Witchcraft and the Occult, she is definitely not mainstream, but most of these Liberal groups like CodePINK rarely are.
Here are a few websites that help explain "Starhawk's" spirituality.
Probe Ministries - Goddess Worship
The Occult
Oz Pagen
The Modern World of Witchcraft
Wimmin, Wiccans, And Goddess Worship
Women in Art Herstory - LESBIANS IN THE ARTS
Diane Wilson
From the CodePINK website:
Diane Wilson, commercial fisherwoman, environmentalist, and co-founder of CodePINK: Women For Peace, launched a hunger strike August 7, 2005 to support Cindy Sheehan's roadside vigil at President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch (or, as she likes to call it, "White House West.") Sheehan has said she won't leave the fire ant infested, 100 degree temperature site until Bush speaks to her about why her son was killed in Iraq. Members of CodePINK are launching vigilant fasts around the world to express their solidarity.
Wilson knows how powerful hunger strikes can be. In 2002, her hunger strike against DOW chemical resulted in criminal charges in Bhopal. Her longest fast lasted 31 days. "A hunger strike is a very powerful action," she said by phone. "It creates soul-power, as Gandhi says. It creates change." She said even a one day fast of solidarity can solidify intent.
It is a good thing that you believe, as you stated, that "even a one day fast of solidarity can solidify intent." That hunger strike with Cindy Sheehan was pretty weak. It turned out to be nothing more than not eating between meals.
But by all means, take a look at the big Hunger Strike at Camp Casey for yourself.
n an article written and published on Saturday, December 10, 2005 by CommonDreams.org
Iraqis' Human Rights Are Still In Peril
by Medea Benjamin and Andrea Buffa
The problem is that Iraqis are still not free from these grave violations of their human rights. While in the past such abuses were carried out in Iraq by Saddam Hussein's regime, they are now inflicted on Iraqis by three different sources: the insurgents, the Iraqi security forces, and the US military.
Here is an acknowledgement of atrocities.
Women have been the victims of a post-invasion wave of kidnappings and rapes and they have been among those illegally detained and abused under detention.
The accusation is that American troops and Iraqi security forces that are being trained by American troops are in clear violation of human rights so they are protested against. They are being accused of kidnapping and rape on a large scale. The insurgents are in clear violation of human rights but CodePINK openly and publicly gives the insurgents their full support, even praise. Let us not forget that CodePINK gave them more than $600,000 in aid and comfort.
The disregard for human life on the part of the insurgents is evident from the daily bombings that have led to thousands of civilian deaths and make Iraqis fear for their lives whenever they are out on the streets. Insurgents are also responsible for kidnapping hundreds of Iraqis and foreigners, such as the four members of the Christian Peacemakers Teams who are currently being threatened with death.
After these actions of the insurgents is clearly stated, why is CodePINK trying to stop those that are fighting to stop the insurgents.
The only people that Andrea Buffa is really helping are the insurgents that are killing Americans and Iraqis alike.
From the CodePINKwebsite:
CodePINK is a women initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement that seeks positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action.
What is CodePINK?
* CodePINK is women and girls (and men who believe in humane values and respect & honor women's leadership)
As long as men know their place and shut up and do what they are told, they can stay. This exactly the way women do not like to be treated; yet here they are openly treating others in such a fashion. Just keep in mind that it is CodePINK that is enacting and publicly announcing this purely sexist policy. This is just another example of Liberals wanting to impose a policy on others, but not wanting it to apply to them. They would never allow an organization to exist that would announce the "Organization of American Men" are men (and women who believe in humane values and respect & honor men's leadership) that believe in the total subordination of women," but here they are doing just that. They would pick up their direct hotline to the ACLU and begin a multi-million dollar discrimination class action lawsuit.
It does make you wonder if Bill Clinton would be allowed to join this group with that whole "respect & honor women's leadership" thing. Just do not give him access to any of the CodePINK interns.
* CodePINK values diversity, collaborates and listens.
Except to men that "do not know their place" or anyone that may disagree or have a dissenting opinion. You have your belief system that is fine, just do not say that CodePINK values diversity when you obviously do not. You sure do not seem to listen when you are in public. You are nothing if not loud and obnoxious. You are definitely rude and inconsiderate of others. You are disrespectful of those with opposing views. You show it in public whenever you get the opportunity to be disruptive.
You do collaborate well. The more than $600,000 in aid you gave 'the other side' was a fine example of collaborating with the enemy. You should ask the soldiers if they appreciate your contribution to the terrorists that are trying to kill them. Keep this in mind. CodePINK gave over $600,000 of "Aid and Comfort" to our enemies. They did not give $600,000 of "Aid and Comfort" to our soldiers. They have also participated in war crimes tribunals against America and they refer to American soldiers as "Killers" on their website.
* CodePINK imagines a world where truthful, moral leaders inspire courage and action; leaders who make choices for humanitarian reasons
Like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, Bill Clinton? These tend to be the favorites of the Left. If you say Bill Clinton, remember, he lied to a Grand Jury, was impeached, had sexual relations with an intern, and ripped off senior citizens living on fixed incomes with the Whitewater land development scam. There were so many scandals you cannot list them all. This tends to be the short list of the Left agenda.
* CodePINK visualizes a world made safer through the hard work of treaties and diplomacy
These people would blindly trust leaders such as Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, and Adolf Hitler to keep their word. These people do not understand history. They only know the revised history that they want to know. The truth completely eludes them. Reason completely eludes them. Common Sense completely eludes them.
Neville Chamberlain's dealings with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis are a prime example of where this is seriously flawed. Bill Clinton's dealings with Kim Jong Il of North Korea and the transfer of Nuclear fuel for "Nuclear Power" has only given North Korea nuclear weapons. And the Left never considered the fact that the leader of North Korea might be lying to us.
Who was there to go to with treaties and diplomacy on 9-11? The use of the military is the result of the breakdown of negotiations and treaties. Would CodePINK have signed a treaty with Osama Bin Laden? According to their vision of the future, they would have. And it would probably be correct to assume that any candidate that received their endorsement for public office would share their vision.
Our military is composed of responsible and dedicated personnel that have volunteered to do a hot, dirty, and dangerous job for very little pay. Defending America is an important job that attracts the best and brightest that America has to offer. And CodePINK does nothing but get in the way of military recruitment. The lack of character these ladies display while they are busy giving "Aid and Comfort" to the enemies of America is one reason that no one is asking anyone from CodePINK to help defend America.
"Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."
-- Karl Rove, White House Deputy Chief of Staff at the New York State Conservative Party, June 22, 2005
* CodePINK preserves the environment for our offspring and for generations to come
And they do this by aligning themselves with dictatorships that do not care about the environment. They have the most pollution, whereas America, with its Capitalist based society, has the money to ensure clean burning automobiles, furnaces, industrial complexes, etc...
* CodePINK prioritizes health care, quality education and quality of life
Favoring Socialized Medicine, preventing school vouchers, taking away the rights of parents to have a complete voice in the education of their children, and giving 'Aid and Comfort" to aid the enemies of America. Where's the good and beneficial part?
* CodePINK knows that war destroys, prison destroys, violence destroys
Disabling our military will only weaken America and cause those like al-Qaeda to attack us with impunity.
Empting our prisons of the most violent criminals and putting them back on the streets and in our neighborhoods is not a good idea although it is the method most often used in Liberal policies on crime. Of course it does beg the question, would you want to release Mark David Chapman? For those that do not remember what Mark David Chapman's claim to fame is, he is the person that killed John Lennon. Would the world be a better and safer place with him walking the streets of New York City, perhaps with the intention of having face to face a meeting with of Bono?
Not fighting back when attacked is not going to make America safer. Stopping violence by "talking things out" and "discussing our differences" during "sensitivity encounters" with the likes of al-Qaeda might not be all that effective. However, letting them know that America will retaliate with a vengeance might leave an indelible mark on their conscience.
"I feel that we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."
-- Admiral Yamamoto, December 7, 1941
Engaging an enemy with force and not backing down worked 60 years ago, and you know how that ended. Japan has not attacked us since. In fact, they are one of our closest allies. And that is without a real exit strategy because we are still there in great numbers and with the appreciation of the Japanese government and the Japanese people.
But, when you take everything into consideration, CodePINK might have a solid contribution to make to the effort. Dressing prisoners in pink and placing women in positions of leadership in prison camps would absolutely be a good idea. Certainly, captured al-Qaeda terrorists would respect & honor the women in these leadership roles without question.
* CodePINK anticipates a world where boundaries can be crossed, differences shared and celebrated, and where enemies take on a human face
America allows more immigration than any other country in the world. Getting rid of the boundaries is nothing more than getting rid of our country. A country, by definition, has boundaries. A concept that is lost on CodePINK. The laws of the land extend to these boundaries. That is the purpose of borders. Another concept that is not understood by the ladies at CodePINK. Allowing the enemies of America into this country is not a good idea, but clearly CodePINK believes it is. This goes back to the flawed Liberal mentality of releasing criminals from prisons while they still pose a danger to the public. But this is just one of the steps that CodePINK is willing to do to aid in the destruction of America.
Since when has any Left Activist group ever cared about the celebration of differences. They do everything they can do to squash those that have opinions that contrary to their Socialist beliefs.
* CodePINK asks that we learn the lessons of September 11st in order that those whose lives were lost did not die in vain:
And what lessons would those be? Groups like CodePINK believe that we should be more accepting and understanding of Radical Islam. It is CodePINK's theory that we should just turn away and accept what has happened to us and write it off as a minor act of vandalism. Has that ever worked? The answer is not just "NO", but "HELL NO!!!" CodePINK and their unsound theories of negotiating from a position of weakness are not the ones that America should rely on for defense. This is exactly why the Left Wing should not be left in charge of this country's national security. When necessary, we should hit our enemies so hard that they will never again "entertain the thought" of attacking America. And we will not quit until the job is completely done. The courage and willingness not to "Cut and Run" like CodePINK and the rest of America's enemies would have us do. That resolve is just as important and that is one of the many lessons of 9-11.
1. fear produces war
Fear does not produce war. Dictatorial governments produce war. Socialist governments produce war. Totalitarian regimes produce war. Lack of Democracy, lack of Freedom, and lack of Liberty produce war. When people that live under an umbrella of Freedom and Liberty are allowed to determine their own future, war becomes much less likely. When democratic countries trade with each other, wars become much less likely
2. war produces retaliation
There was no war when America was attacked on 9-11 and had not been for 10 years. Al-Qaeda attacked America several times. Not the other way around. If you want a more complete history, read "When World War III Started" and you can see who the aggressor really is.
3. retaliation produces retribution
If al-Qaeda believed that, do you think they would have attacked America on 9-11 knowing what was going to happen? They did not believe we would defend ourselves. They did not believe that we would stand and fight.
Negotiations with Osama Bin Ladin are what CodePINK would have spent months and possibly years doing. Negotiating and understanding al-Qaeda. Perhaps they would have negotiated a nuclear warhead to add to their arsenal. The USA has many. Why not give them one in exchange for not attacking us again? This would help to "Level the Playing Field" with those that wish our destruction. Why do we want to "Level the Playing Field" in this respect? This strategy has so many flaws that they are to numerous to list.
Treaties, Diplomacy, and trusting a Communist Dictatorship are how North Korea acquired nuclear weapons under the Clinton Administration. Did this decision make the world a safer place?
4. and desperation produces horrific acts on the part of those who have nothing to lose
Which proves that leaving before the job is done is a very bad idea. Allowing the military to do what it does is a good idea. Giving the enemy no option but to be good is the way to a peaceful existence. The many U.S. troops that have been killed is small when compared to the number of Iraqis that have died due to terrorist attacks from insurgents and other terrorists imported from Iran and Syria. The Iraqi people want Democracy, Freedom, and Liberty.
Why does CodePINK feel the need to prevent this? Because they do not believe that everyone should live under Democracy and Freedom. Their beliefs are rooted in Anarchism and Socialism. The proof? They always support some government handout, entitlement, or redistribution of wealth and they want to empty the prisons and put criminals back on the streets to prey on the rest of the law abiding population.
* CodePINK imagines a world where human beings take responsibility and evolve. Our Intention: By expanding our awareness and intention of holding peace, being peace, speaking peace, we give voice and power to peace and open the doors for others to join us in spirit and action, that is women, men and children listening and working in collaboration to care for our family, community, nation, world and universe.
Peace happens when those that would attack are afraid to because the consequences of their actions are known and severe. This is such an easy concept to grasp, but these people do not understand this truth. It is apparently beyond their level of comprehension. This is why they should NOT be listened to concerning important matters of national security.
Anyway, I am leaving now, I made the above posts because I will be interested to see just how committed Code Pink is to free speech. After all, it is okay for you to disrupt Congress and you lament being arrested for it. Let's see how long these posts stay on your site.
Great job, Ladies. It was an honor to live with and learn from the the Peace Warriors. Thank you for speaking for "over half of America" and raging at the liars in person. Did anyone else notice how Blue the sky was? It was from all of the rest of us all over America raging in our homes.
Blessing, my dears. in peace & solidarity, Corla
To the idiot that just mentioned that you are speaking for over half of America. WAKE UP. You all are an embarassment to our country. If polled today less than one percent of our country would approve of your immature actions. When are you going to learn that acting like over aged burnt out high schoolers will not get you anywhere in this country. Your organization is laughable, and your leadership is as well.
Wearing pink capes with more flair on them than a bennigans waitress wont get you anywhere in real America or Capital Hill.
I say blessings on the women in pink who in good humor and with great love of country and high ideals put themselves in front of the war machine and say STOP!
My real name is Elizabeth Barger, Anonymous. You have posted here so verbosely, but you seem afraid to claim your opinions or biographical resources. If you truly believe in free speech, stand proudly in your real name. If that is so dangerous, then our country is without hope.
You seem to forget in your paranoia about communism that Jesus lived communally, and that the first Christians lived together sharing all things, each according to their ability and each according to their need. Mohammad was a peaceful man who believed in the brotherhood of humanity. All spiritual teachings that have become religions, are at their base peaceful and supportive of community. That's not necessarily true of the followers of religion who sometimes get violent reaching for power.
What we must pay attention to is that we treat each other with respect and compassion, knowing that we are all in this at the same time, and to promote death and destruction for any reason will bring death and destruction to all of us.
"What we must pay attention to is that we treat each other with respect and compassion,"
Are we to treat Osama Laden and Al Quaeda with this same respect and compassion?
Wow, you came across as a bunch of classless psychos. Nice job.
Haven't you ever heard of a candlelight vigil or a silent protest? Standing up silently and wearing all black would have been more effective, not to mention dignified.
Yes, we are to have compassion for bin Laden and Al Quaeda. Why should we not? Peace can only be gained by compassion. War is certainly the exact opposite of peace and has no relationship whatsoever to peace or to justice. Essentially, it's so very simple. Americans are, in large part, complacently allowing our readers to commit mass murder and to threaten the very livelihood of our species and our beloved planet. These beautiful sisters are vocalizing a very necessary and appropriate rage, and I am boundlessly grateful to them for their courage and stamina. I love you, beautiful pink women! In solidarity,
Wow, quite a number of comments on the pink blog today!! As usual, I rejoice in the courage of my sisters!! It is a great challenge for each of us to try to engage in the process of bringing the war to an end in the face of so much fear-mongering, war-mongering, and hatred.
The question that always comes to me is this one:
Did it make any sense to let 19 guys with box-cutters determine US foreign policy for a generation?
I guess each of us will have to come to his or her own answer, but I am pretty confident in my assessment that this was not a sound basis for making good judgments. I look forward to a time when more of the leadership of our country will value rational discussion of foreign policy and global demilitarization. I am sure that this day will come.
Obviously, whether you are with CODEPINK of not, agree with their tactics or not, the reality is that CODEPINK must be accomplishing their goals because they struck a nerve with so many people who ended up posting on this list. Way to go ladies! Hope to see you on the news again tonight in pink, black, green or whatever color will bring peace to this nation.
PS-Cindy Sheehan has the right to say whatever she wants as does other women in CODEPINK. When you lose a son in the war anonymous, you might also end up protesting in the halls of Congress.
To JimPreston:
It's nice to talk about looking forward to a rational global discussion, but sadly people throughout history have never been completely rational. There are people out there who would blow your kids up or kill you for a dollar.
Moreover, you fail to recognize that the US is not the source of all evil in the world. Code Pink can't stand Bush, but they fail to acknowledge that he has done more than any other leader regarding Darfur.
Why does Code Pink NOT protest at the Chinese Embassy for their support of the GENOCIDE in Darfur? How about China's recent demolition of villages and displacement of people? Despite massive human rights abuses, you don't see Code Pink protesting against China at the UN or urging a boycott of the upcoming Olympics there.
Why are there no Code Pink protests regarding Hugo Chavez silencing the media in his country? Or, how about China's crackdown on media criticism despite its promises to the international community that it would not go after the media in the run up to the Olympics.
Why are there no Code Pink protests regarding human rights in North Korea where people are put into prison camps for little things like not dusting the picture of their dear leader that is required in every North Korean home?
The answer is a very simple one. Since domestic communists are behind Code Pink, they don't want to criticize communist dictatorships in Venezuela, Cuba, China or North Korea.
There is torture and killing in Uganda and where is Code Pink (Who claims to value life and peace so much) on that issue?
Tell me, has Code Pink protests Hezbollah's rocket attacks against Israeli civilians? You may not see any protests about that because the antiwar movement is Anti-Semitic at its core (Look at the history behind International ANSWER to see it, and its leadership, is Anti-Semitic).
Code Pink claims to value women, but where are the protests against Nicaragua's blanket ban on abortion which Human Rights Watch claims harms women. Is Code Pink silent on that issue because the communists still have influence there?
Where is the outrage from Code Pink when Islamic extremists cut off heads?
If you truly seek peace, your protests and talk of global discussion is worthless. What really needs to be done is to change the fabric of the Middle East which is ruled by outdated monarchs who keep their people in poverty while building palaces. Take a look at the suicide bombers and you will see they all are young and come from poverty and that is what drives them to radicalism. Look at history and you will see that the poverty of the 1920's brought the Germans there to.
So, JimPreston, your talk is nice, but it belies reality. I like your idealism, but history teaches me that you cannot look at people for what you want them to be, you have to look at them for what they are.
You and your Code Pink ilk are all wasting your time on this myopic organization. You criticize George Bush, but you fail to look inward and criticize yourselves. You are all wasting your time and energy for a cause that you are not winning. The Democrats have paid lip service to you, but will soon completely turn their backs on you because the people pulling the strings of the Democratic Party view you as useful in the short run, but a liability over the long term. You are just too short sited to see it.
To JimPreston:
It's nice to talk about looking forward to a rational global discussion, but sadly people throughout history have never been completely rational. There are people out there who would blow your kids up or kill you for a dollar.
Moreover, you fail to recognize that the US is not the source of all evil in the world. Code Pink can't stand Bush, but they fail to acknowledge that he has done more than any other leader regarding Darfur.
Why does Code Pink NOT protest at the Chinese Embassy for their support of the GENOCIDE in Darfur? How about China's recent demolition of villages and displacement of people? Despite massive human rights abuses, you don't see Code Pink protesting against China at the UN or urging a boycott of the upcoming Olympics there.
Why are there no Code Pink protests regarding Hugo Chavez silencing the media in his country? Or, how about China's crackdown on media criticism despite its promises to the international community that it would not go after the media in the run up to the Olympics.
Why are there no Code Pink protests regarding human rights in North Korea where people are put into prison camps for little things like not dusting the picture of their dear leader that is required in every North Korean home?
The answer is a very simple one. Since domestic communists are behind Code Pink, they don't want to criticize communist dictatorships in Venezuela, Cuba, China or North Korea.
There is torture and killing in Uganda and where is Code Pink (Who claims to value life and peace so much) on that issue?
Tell me, has Code Pink protests Hezbollah's rocket attacks against Israeli civilians? You may not see any protests about that because the antiwar movement is Anti-Semitic at its core (Look at the history behind International ANSWER to see it, and its leadership, is Anti-Semitic).
Code Pink claims to value women, but where are the protests against Nicaragua's blanket ban on abortion which Human Rights Watch claims harms women. Is Code Pink silent on that issue because the communists still have influence there?
Where is the outrage from Code Pink when Islamic extremists cut off heads?
If you truly seek peace, your protests and talk of global discussion is worthless. What really needs to be done is to change the fabric of the Middle East which is ruled by outdated monarchs who keep their people in poverty while building palaces. Take a look at the suicide bombers and you will see they all are young and come from poverty and that is what drives them to radicalism. Look at history and you will see that the poverty of the 1920's brought the Germans there to.
So, JimPreston, your talk is nice, but it belies reality. I like your idealism, but history teaches me that you cannot look at people for what you want them to be, you have to look at them for what they are.
You and your Code Pink ilk are all wasting your time on this myopic organization. You criticize George Bush, but you fail to look inward and criticize yourselves. You are all wasting your time and energy for a cause that you are not winning. The Democrats have paid lip service to you, but will soon completely turn their backs on you because the people pulling the strings of the Democratic Party view you as useful in the short run, but a liability over the long term. You are just too short sited to see it.
It seems that there are a lot of right wingers and freepers trying to erode the morale of Code Pink. Well dream on, clowns. We are making a difference and you wouldn't be wasting your time blithering on this blog if you didn't see us as an effective, viable threat to your closed-minded worldview.
Rock on, Code Pink Sistahs. Rock on with the purity of love.
Yeah, you did a fine job working your groups magic on the Democratic Party! Cindy Sheehan was even was smart enough to see she was being used. You must have a little less intellect than Cindy Sheehan.
You may be unaware, but I have had personal moments with Democratic members of Congress and I can tell you right now, they wouldn't care if you starved to death on one of your hunger strikes as long as you don't do it in their offices.
Blithering on this blog is fun because it is always great to see what the Communists are up to...
You tell people that if they support the war they should enlist. Well, if you don't support the war, then don't pay your taxes. You are supporting the war with your tax dollars.
So, tell me, when is Code Pink going to disrupt China at the UN over Darfur?
So, tell me, when is Code Pink going to disrupt China at the UN over Darfur?
Didn't Medea Benjamin go down and have a hug session with her dictator friend Hugo Chavez? That was just before he shut down the last TV station that criticized his power and seized its assets. Why don't all of you go down and live in his country where barbarians are allowed to go into cemeteries and rob graves for their twisted rituals.
Hey code stink you are a very persuasive arguement for manditory burqa's in the U.S.
Please go protest in Saudi Arabia.
Btw. why are feminists always so ugly?
Now, now, you don't want to attack how the Code Pinkers look. Rather, you should look at who they are. Do a little research and you will see that the leadership of Code Pink has ties to Communist Cuba. And, that it embraces communist dictators like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. Even idealists like John F. Kennedy recognized that countries like Cuba were threats.
You will see a great deal of Anti Antisemitism behind the so called "antiwar movement." Also, you will see a great deal of anti-Americanism as well.
The people protesting with Code Pink are what Lenin called "Useful Idiots." They are protesting with the best of intentions in mind because they really are antiwar. They just don't realize the communist influence behind the so called antiwar movement. They have no clue that people like Judith LeBlanc, who was one of 8 national chairs of the Communist Party USA run groups like United for Peace and Justice. Or that Brian Becker of International ANSWER has ties to the Socialist Workers of the World Party.
These people are not really antiwar. They seek to undermine capitalism by undermining faith and confidence in the country and the president. That is their true agenda and they are USING the antiwar message to further that agenda and bring unsuspecting individuals with good intentions to radicalism and acts of radicalism.
Sadly, the protesters with Code Pink have not done enough research to understand who is really pulling the strings and where it gets its funding from.
Hey, didn't Medea Benjamin cause the Seattle Riots? That is her only achievement in her history of so called activism.
Hey was the wealthy Jodi Evans right their to bail out the half dozen arrested Code Pinkers? Probably not.... because you really don't mean anything to the group as individuals. To Code Pink you are merely three or so seconds of media attention. They could care less whether you rot in jail.
Oh by the way, your Democratic friends in Congress are plotting at this very moment to make it less likely that you are able to disrupt meetings in the future. LOL And those are your friends. With friends like that....
Ms. Elizabeth Barger, you talk of compassion and peace, but you fail to recognize that there will always be Nazis out there ready to put your family in ovens. It is sad, but that is the history of mankind and you are not realistic to see much hope for the future based on such history.
Also, Ms. Barger, with all your talk about peace you worked with United for Justice and Peace and their two co-chairs are communists. Judith Leblanc holds an executive position in the Communist Party USA and if you remember communists advocate violent revolution.
Why would you affiliate yourself with a group led by communists? They after all killed tens of millions, even more than the Nazis.
That should be United for Peace and Justice..... by the way. It's still a communist led group..... And the people marching with them affiliate with these moonbats.
Is Code Pink to the left what the Westboro Baptist Church is to the right?
While the anti-war group and the anti-gay church denomination could not have more different politics, the bizarre tactics that both use seem so self-defeating as to give credence to conspiracy theories that they're not what they seem.
The Topeka-based church, of course, is best known for attending the funerals of U.S. soliders [sic] with signs asserting that God is incurring His wrath upon America because of the country's tolerance for homosexuality. "God hates Fags" is a perennial favorite among Westboro's subtle sign-wavers.
But just as the church would seem to be an outlandish and extreme caricature of how some on the far left view the the far right, the Code Pink protestors almost seem to be a parody of a liberal protest group.
To show up and unfurl signs that read "Generals Lie Soldiers Die" outside the House offices where Gen. David Petraeus is testifying today and have a guy prancing around Independence Ave in a W-as-devil mask holding a sign that reads "I've got Petraeus by the soul?"
Karl Rove, Lee Atwater and Donald Segretti couldn't put their heads together and come up with such a dream scenario.
Oh, and that doesn't even include their standing up and repeatedly screaming during Petraeus's testimony.
More than a few Democrats probably said to themselves what House Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton whispered to Ranking Member Duncan Hunter before a hot mic as yet another of the protestors was dragged out. "That really pisses me off, Duncan," Skelton complained. "Those assholes."
From Allen's September 11 "Politico Playbook":
The Politico's Jonathan Martin wrote about why the MoveOn.org ad, which was mentioned by nearly every Republican who questioned Petraeus and Crocker yesterday, appears to have had an unintended effect:
"For the GOP, the ad was a helpful reminder that, despite all the bad news of late, they still have friends on the left that are always glad to help them squeeze the Dems in the middle. Polls show Americans are skeptical of the Petraeus report and the surge policy, but attacking a decorated general is the sort of tactic that, in the words of Jesse Jackson, allows many Republicans to Keep Hope Alive for '08."
JoMa (that's for you Steel) on Code Pink, the most visible of the ejected demonstrators: "Is Code Pink to the left what the Westboro Baptist Church is to the right? While the anti-war group and the anti-gay church denomination could not have more different politics, the bizarre tactics that both use seem so self-defeating as to give credence to conspiracy theories that they're not what they seem. ... To show up and unfurl signs that read 'outside the House offices where Gen. David Petraeus is testifying today and have a guy prancing around Independence Ave in a 'W-as-devil mask' holding a sign that reads 'I've got Petraeus by the soul?' Karl Rove, Lee Atwater and Donald Segretti couldn't put their heads together and come up with such a dream scenario. Oh, and that doesn't even include their standing up and repeatedly screaming during Petraeus's testimony."
Difficult to accept Code Pink claim
Steve Newton
The Silver Star Families of America was founded a few years ago with only one mission: To remember, honor and assist the wounded of our Armed Forces from all wars.
We do this primarily by presenting the wounded with a Silver Star Banner and certificate of appreciation. The tradition of silver representing the wounded started in 1917 when families would sew over a blue star with silver thread to represent a wounded Soldier in their family. We are not a medal organization but a banner organization.
Click to learn more...
It is our wish that every time someone sees a Silver Star Banner in a window or a Silver Star Flag flying that they remember the blood shed by so many for this great nation.
Since our founding we have grown to offer the wounded a wide variety of services. And sometimes we do things to just say "thank you."
The Silver Star Day at the Ball Park for our wounded and veterans was just such an event. We had worked with the staff at Hammons Field and the Springfield Cardinals for several months putting the event together. Several radio stations played public service announcements for us; it was listed on the News-Leader Web site and prominently displayed on the front page of our site.
The Silver Star Flag was hanging at the main entrance gate to the park and Silver Star members from several states were set up out in front of the gate to hand out free tickets to our wounded veterans. The Missouri State Highway Patrol escorted veterans from the Missouri Veterans Home. And as the National Anthem was ending a Blackhawk helicopter from the Missouri National Guard flew over giving a salute to those who have given so much.
To me, it is inconceivable that anyone would not know that this was a very special day. And, even if as they claim, Code Pink did not know at the beginning they should have known as soon as the public address system announced Silver Star Day at the park. The SSFOA is a non-political and non-religious organization. The wounded and their families are our concern. We call them our children and in fact many of our members, some in attendance at the game, have wounded children. We could care less about protests, and Code Pink is a nonissue for us until they hurt our wounded, for it is us that must dry the tears of the mothers whom Code Pink hurt.
It is not that they protested. It is not that the sign said "Impeach." It is the fact that Code Pink, who profess to be "for the troops," took away some of the sparkle that was in the eyes of our wounded.
All they wanted was a day; one day to enjoy the ball game, feel the sun on their faces and talk with other veterans. For some this could be their last opportunity.
We accuse no one of anything. But in the future all we ask of Code Pink is to leave our wounded alone. For if you do not you will find the Silver Stars standing protectively in front of them as they once stood in front of us.
The Heart of Pinkness
David Weigel | September 11, 2007, 11:22am
Throughout yesterday and today's hearings with General Petraeus you could see members of the anti-war freak* group Code Pink, all obviously costumed in pink T-shirts, some wearing crowns, plunked down in the galleries. During a few quiet moments between presentations members (one at a time) stood up, shouted stuff like "The American people don't believe you anymore!" and were dragged out. Rush Limbaugh thinks he knows how they got there.
Now, Code Pink just didn't walk in there and get tickets. They were all dressed up, and you couldn't miss these people. They looked like deranged jacks-in-the-box, totally deranged, miserable, unhappy, ugly fat women. Thank you. Thank you. They didn't get in there by accident. Democrat staffers no doubt arranged for them to get in there and cause this little protest to call Petraeus a liar.
All completely wrong. Official Democrats loathe Code Pink and didn't give them any favors. Why would they when Pinkers spend free afternoons occupying Democrats' offices or trashing Nancy Pelosi's yard? The less exciting, but true, explanation is that the Code Pink people got in line. They showed up early and filed in for places near the back of the room. (So did anti-war libertarian Adam Kokesh, more incognito in an "Iraq Veterans Against the War" T-shirt.) Capitol police could see that they belonged to an anti-war group and even odds were they'd burst out screaming at some point during the hearing. You can find them irritating (I do) but I don't know why the alternative—cops banning certain citizens from hearings based on their clothes and possible behavior—is so attractive to Limbaugh.
*freak in the Frank Zappa/Gilbert Shelton sense
Re: Times vs. Petraeus [David Freddoso]
I really like the last graf of the editorial:
When protesters interrupted the hearing, Mr. Skelton ordered them removed from the room, which is understandable. But then he said that they would be prosecuted. That seemed like an unnecessarily authoritarian response to people who just wanted to be heard.
Maybe the editorial board doesn't get out much, but one of our problems on Capitol Hill is that the same jerks (usually the Code-Pink fanatics) come to every important hearing and start disrupting. And as yesterday, they don't just do it all at once, they stagger it so that they can keep disrupting throughout. These classless and clueless hippies don't come to be heard, they come solely to disrupt.
Prosecutions send a message to them and others that Congress is a serious institution that won't tolerate such childish behavior. I hope they're all punished to the fullest extent of the law, or perhaps even banished to Tehran.
Hey there is an article online talking about the dismal Code Pink turnout. They only had about half a dozen to a dozen moonbats available for yesterday's hearing.
Even the Democrats can't stand Code Pink so please do us a favor and keep on being the way you are because you are persuading no one!
Bush = In Iraq since 2002
Code Pink = Out of Iraq ZERO TIME
You have accomplished SHIT even with a D controlled Congress
He you should check out the www.OpinionJournal.com for the latest editorial about the Patreus hearing yesterday.
Today, as we confront Islamic radicalism around the world, it is important to reflect on another time when Islam very nearly conquered the entire continent of Europe. It was largely due to the efforts of one man, Charles Martel, who prevented the Islamization of Europe when he defeated the Islamic invaders at the Battle of Tours in 732. At that time, the enemy was the Islamic Umayyad Dynasty. In the 600's, they Umayyad Dynasty conquered Northern Africa and reached into what is now Pakistan. It was on the verge of swallowing up all the territory of the former Byzantine Empire and would lead to conversions of the formerly Christian Byzantines, by threat of death, to Islam. By the 700's, the Umayyad Dynasty threatened the whole continent of Europe.
Charles Martel
Believe it or not, it was the Franks, or modern day French, who gave birth to Charles Martel. He was, however, actually born in what is now Belgium, but at that time it was part of Frankish territory known as Gaul. Martel was undoubtedly influenced by a defeat of the army of the Umayyad Dynasty at Toulouse in 721. That battle, which occurred in modern day southern France was not the end of the Umayyad Dynasty's designs on Europe.
Battle of Toulouse was Only a Preview of Comming Attractions for Tours
Toulouse was basically independent of Frankish control and the victory there was secured by its leader Odo. The significance of the Battle of Toulouse is that it was a wake up call for Charles Martel who was the ruler of the Franks. He knew that the Muslim hordes would continue their designs on Europe and that they would surely return to conquer it. He consolidated his power and expanded his army between 721 and 732. Prior to the Battle of Toulouse, Martel's army only served part of the year and went home for the harvest. He realized that he needed a full time army and proceeded to build it. The problem was that he had to pay his military men and he took church property to do it.
Looking back on it, the property of the churches he siezed may have been laid waste to by the Islamic horde anyway if they succeeded in their European designs. The churches were outraged, but the coming war changed their perspective. Had Martel lost, the Christian churches of Europe would have faced the same forced conversions to Islam that awaited the Byzantines when they fell.
The Muslims Return and Find Opposition at Tours
In 732, Martel's predictions of the return of the Islamic horde came to fruision. In that year, they did return to conquer Europe. When they came back they defeated Odo at what is now Bordeaux. They then slaughtered the Franks at the Battle of the River Garrone. Odo appealed to Martel for help and he gave it in exchange for an agreement that what is now southern France would come under his control. By the time the Umayyad's reached the battlefield of Tours they had no idea that Martel had been preparing for this war for some eleven years. Martel finally defeated the Islamic hordes of the Umayyad Dynasty. He is largely credited with saving the whole of Europe and preserving the church.
Lessons From Charles Martel
As we fight the war on terror today and the war against Islamic Radicalism, it is important to remember the lessons of Charles Martel. It is important to remember that we cannot let our guard down as we confront this new horde of Islamic Radicalism. Like Charles Martel, we need to consider that the threat of Islamic Radicalism is real. Anyone who is interested in deepening their understanding of this struggle should check out the website www.historyofjihad.org.
Islamic Fanaticisim
This site presents a stark quote. It says, "This site is against all forms of fanaticism - religious and non-religious. But the emotional appeal of non-religious fanaticism like Nazism, Fascism or Communism is not as pervaisve as that of fanaticism based on religion. When fanaticism and religion are mixed, we have a very dangerous and potent brew that can sustain itself for centuries unlike non-religious fanaticism like Nazism and Communism which die out when their ringleaders are defeated." It further says, "While all forms of religious fanaticism are negative, only Islam raises slaughter of all Kaffirs (non-Mislims) to a holy creed, it teaches Muslims to gloat over the killing of non-Muslims and to celbrate their death. Hence, Islam is the most demented and dangerous form of religious fanaticism."
The Near Death of Right and Wrong
At least there are some people out there in the land who know what we are up against. Lucklily, Charles Martel was part of old Europe. If he had modern European values, which are so bankrupt they value amost nothing because they have fully embraced MORAL RELATIVSIM AND META-ETHICAL RELATIVISM (Most Europeans probably don't even know what these terms mean, but be assured they have fallen for it hookline and sinker), he would not have armed, prepared or confronted the threat in the battle to come. On the contrary, he would do what most Europeans, and some Americans, want to do today which is to not antagonize them and not to confront them because moral and meta-ethical relativism leads to the conclusion that there is no right and wrong in the world. Today, we are struggling with that view of right and wrong along with Meta-Ethical, Except America Relativism which means there is no right or worng unless you are judging America which is always wrong.
A Lesson from the 1930's and the Nazis
The Europeans tried unsuccesfully to not antagonize Hitler in the 1930's. When you have a member of the British royal family recently wearing a Nazi uniform and thinking it is a joke, you can readily see the lessons of the past are lost. Luckily, in Martel's time, the Europeans had values and moral and meta-ethical relevatism was not even a glint in the continent's eye. They were willing to draw the same lines in the sand that President Bush is doing today.
Single Minded Zealots Are Bigger and Badder than Free People
People who like movies should watch Alfred Hitchcock's movie "Lifeboat." The lesson that Hitchcock tried to put across in that movie is that democratic people are at a disadvantage when dealing with single minded zealots. Of course, for most people, their history begins with John Lennon or the first time they smoked their pot. They don't know about Charles Martel let alone the lessons learned from appeasing evil in the years before World War II.
We are a democratic people and we are up against single minded zealots today. If our resolve should falter we will surely suffer for it. We have a choice, confront it now or wait until it gets stronger and more potent. As it gets stronger, this threat will require us to put up more lives to defeat it. There are many who would have us do nothing and pass this threat to our children and grandchildren. You decide if that is the right course and the world you want to leave for them. Hopefully the Europeans will confine their moral and meta-ethical relativism to their own continent like a plague that needs to be secluded in a pest house, but it is already coming here like a hurricane crossing the ocean. Should it come here full force, it will surely be a blight not a benefit.
We Need Powerful Leaders Who Realize the Scope of the Threat Against Us
It would be wise to trade a thousand or a million of our Nancy Pelosi's or Ted Kennedy's for just one Maggie Thatcher or just one Winston Churchill or just one Charles Martel. It would be wise to trade all the pot in San Francisco for a sober assessment of this Islamic threat. If our efforts in Iraq succeed and we leave a secure and democratic Iraq in the heart of the Middle East, it will surely present a potent alternative to Islamic Radicalism.
Sober Realities
The voices of the peace protesters shouting their cliches often drown out sober realities. What they don't recognize is that history is rife with examples of death on a massive scale because we failed to confront evil in the world. We lost 55 million in World War II and millions more jews. Would that not have been avoided had we acted in 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937 or 1938 to confront Hitler. It is fair to argue that those deaths would have been avoided or greatly reduced had we not waited until this maniac was at the apex of his power to confront him.
Mistake of the 60's Hippies was Costly
All the baby boomers who protested the Vietnam War happily tout our losses there. The simple truth that they do not tell is what happened there after we left. When Congress cut funding for the war, we cut and run so quick we left lists of some 30,000 people who worked with the South Vietnamese government and the United States. What do you think happened to those people? They sent some 400,000 - 900,000 to re-education camps and you can bet they were not getting an education in the liberal arts. They sent 1.5 million to barren areas of the country to starve. They supported the communists and Cambodia and gave rise to the killing fields that killed between 1 and 3 million. Sadly, the former 1960's protesters do not tout these figures in their list of their generation's accomplishments.
Communists Are Behind Some of the Largest War Protests
The largest peace protest group here since 2003 is International A.N.S.W.E.R. It receives so much press, but the press rarely will expose that the Socialist Workers of the World Party is behind ANSWER. The WWP supports dictatorships, not democracies. The WWP only supports wars when they are designed to further communism or socialism, not those for freedom and democracy. They are out there because they want to undermine the United States rather than end war.
There is all kinds of ink about Code Pink, also know as "Code Pinko," but its members almost certainly have no clue about its founder Susan "Medea" Benjamin. They don't know that she lived in Cuba and worked for a communist paper there. They don't realize that she is an ardent anti-capitalist. They don't tell you that Code Pink, in combination with other radical groups, arranged the donation of $600,000 in medical supplies to the insurgents fighting in Fullujah, Iraq. The reason why they don't know it is because our press is too starry eyed by people such as Benjamin to be critical of her and Code Pink. The press will slam anyone who supports the war, but it will not tell the protesters who they are really marching with and that they just might be, in Vladimir Lenin's words, "Useful Idiots," in the cause of the WWP. The very same press that does not provide any criticism of ANSWER or Code Pink is already annointing Obama as the next President of the United States.
Consequences of Leaving Iraq
If we flee Iraq and leave it unstable and insecure there will be a bloodbath that will make all losses since 2003 pale in comparison. As in the past, the people insisting on ending this war will ignore those losses just as they did the ones that occurred after the fall of South Vietnam. If we leave it will embolden and strengthen radical Islam and they will surely return, just as the Umayyad Dynasty before it, to attack us on a scale unequaled in human history.
There is much more that could written on this topic. This entry was inspired by a European blog that asserted that war is insane. You don't have to be a hawk or warmonger to recognize a simple truth which is that if you do not confront evil today it just gets stronger and when you finally have to confront it because it is at your doorstep it will cost considerably more. If our will to fight the war falters, we will surely be handing our children and grandchildren a more dangerous world. We are lucky that the generation before the baby boomers learned the lessons from appeasing Hitler. When they finally confronted him and fought to win the war, they left the next generation a better world. We, on the other hand, do not have the resolve to do this for the next generation. They will be left to contend with a threat that will surely cause a new Dark Age to descend over the earth if we let it. Pray for President Bush's success because the lives of your children and grandchildren depend on it. If we lack the will to fight for 3 or 4 years, and to fight this war united, we are in trouble if www.historyofjihad.com's assertion is true that religious fanaticsism can sustain for centuries.
Don't be too swayed by the mass voices in opposition to President Bush. It often takes the perspective of 20 or even 30 years to see the truth. Lincoln was villified in his day for fighting the Civil War. It turns out, he was on the right side of history. At President Ford's death, the very same media that chastised him for pardoning Nixon more than 30 years ago now looks back and asserts that it was a brilliant stroke of genius that was good for the country. Charles A. Lindburgh packed in the people at Madison Square Garden to oppose our efforts to confront the Nazis. Turns out, he was on the wrong side of history. Hugh Johnson, who worked in the Roosevelt administration said that in confronting Germany we were, "Recklessly shooting craps with destiny for the stake of democracy." The Brits turned their backs against Churchill at the end of the war by voting against him in favor of a historical nobody. Time will reveal the truth, but the polling data and the media will only reveal the sentiment at the time. In 20 or 30 years, who knows, New York, London or even Paris may not exist anymore and that will certainly color our perspective on history if these radicals have not driven the world into a new Dark Age by then.
Across the globe, and especially in Europe, there is great fear in accurately portraying the history of Islam. And, in the United States, the history of Islam is largely unknown. The apologists for Islam like to portrary its believers as the equal of the Haight-Ashbury hippies, sitting in a drum circle, smoking pot and singing John Lennon's "Imagine." They don't realize that Islam literally means "submission" and that submission is not meant to be voluntary. On the other hand, the Christians are depicted as the equal of the cavemen or, if they are viewing Christians charitably, as Neanderthals.
Islam's Own Words
Islam's own documents defy this view. Mohammed is quoted, in a Hadith, as saying, "My livliehood is under the shade of a speer, from war booty (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Chpt.88)." Further, "I have been made victorious by terror (Bukhari 4:52:220)." And, most of the brutality in the Qu'ran is directed at the Christians and the Jews.
The Qu'ran states, "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagens wherever ye find them. And sieze them and beleaguer them. Lie in wait for them in every stragetim of war, but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them (Surah 9:5)."
Bible Advocates Choice
Certainly, history bears out brutality by the Christians, but the key distinction is that the Bible does not advocate brutality. On the contrary, it is about the choices people make to find God, but Islam advocates brutality and conquest to turn the entire world Islamic. The brutality of Islam is advocated in its teachings and by the example of the life of Mohammed. Even a cursory read of the Qu'ran and the Hadith will lead to the conclusion that this is a religion of brutality. It says, "The infidel is to be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled from the land (Surah 5:33)."
300 Years of Islamic Crusades Inspired the Christian Crusades
In addition to its own Qu'ran, ancient and modern history is the best indicator of the intentions of Islam. The Muslims will not let Christianity forget the Crusades, but what they don't tell you is that the Christian Crusades, which began in 1095, was a response to Islamic Crusades that began during Mohammed's lifetime, in the 7th century, and very nearly completely conquered Europe. They don't tell you that they conquered Spain and Sicily. They would have you believe that the Islamic hordes that descended on Europe for nearly 300 years prior to the Christian Crusades were not violent and brutal.
They tell you that the Islamic horde did not force anyone to convert to Islam, but the reality is that those who did not convert were forced, under the penalty of death, to pay a tax. The Qu'ran says, "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day, nor hold the forbidden by Allah and his Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, even if they are the people of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with will submission, and feel themselves subdued (Surah 9:29)."
Islamic apologists will tell you that the Christians destroyed mosques in Sicily which is true. However, they don't tell you that those mosques were built by invaders over the Christian churches they destroyed. The apologists will cite the Spanish Inquisition as the defining moment of Christianity, but they will not tell you that it was, in part, a response to the earlier invasion and Islamic conquest of Spain. It is the Islamic Crusades from the 7th century to the 11th century that inspired the Christian Crusades that followed.
What Would Islam's Legacy Be if It Conquered Europe
With all the contributions to the advancement of civilization that came from a Christian Europe, how do you think human history would have been changed if Islam succeeded in its 300 year attempt to conquer that continent. Perhaps some of the Islamic nations of today would provide a good indication of the backwardness and the lack of human rights and democracy that would have been the legacy of the Islamic conquest of Europe. Islam's greatest legacy to the world is Jihad, death and destruction.
Islamic Genocide Did Occur
Islamic apologists will tell you that Muslims do not murder on a large scale. If that is the case, how then do they expain the genocide of 2 million Armenians in 1915? How then do they expain the genocide against Christians in Darfur that is going on right now? America's detractors have paid little to no attention to the slaughter in Darfur. For all the left's criticism of America, they are silent on this genocide. You don't see the left telling China that it should not be supporting this genocide by buying Sudanese oil.
Historically, genocides are usually committed by secular Godless governments such as the USSR, Nazi Germany and the communist regime of Cambodia. The Islamic religion is characterized as peaceful, but how does it explain its place among the greatest secular mass murderers in modern history?
What You Don't Know About Mohammed
All you need do is take a sober look at Mohammed's life and you will see that he owned slaves. He married a six year old child, among his numerous wives, and consumated that marriage when she was 9. Some call him the "Tyrant of Medina" because he plundered so much. His own family and tribe thought he was a nut. Mohammed was much more concerned about conquest, booty and women than in peace. And, in terms of women, the Qu'ran takes misogyny to its most extreme. In Europe, the newspapers are afraid to portrary Mohammed so as not to offend Islamic sensabilities. The Muslims do not want Mohammed portrayed because they want him to rise above the status of a man to the mythic status that ignorance of history, resulting from no meaningful critique of Islam, will yield.
I do not claim to be a professional historian or an expert on Islamic studies. I am learning new things everyday and I expect tomorrow, perhaps to have a different view as I am exposed to different ways of looking at things. Yet, I know that there is much crtique of western civilization out there, but there is almost none of Islam. Perhaps it is due to the meta ethical relativism that is becoming pervasive in western culture. Just look to the teachings in the Qu'ran, and the Hadith, and you will see that Islam embraces the complete opposite of meta ethical relativism. They do not believe that everyone is right in their beliefs. We are the infidels. There is a long continuous line of Islamic brutality for some 1,400 years that is far to long to list here. That brutality falls squarely within the teachings of Islam and the life of Mohammed that Muslims are encouraged to follow as an example.
It does not take an expert in religious history to note that a number of the hstorical accounts in the Bible are supported by archeology, but Allah is to be found nowhere in the historical record before Mohammed. Some would argue that Mohammed actually plagerized the historical record of the Jews and the Christians and that all else that remains in the Qu'ran are simply the disjointed ravings of a mad lunatic.
Yet, despite the historical record, I remain convinced that not all Muslims are violent. Many years after the genocide of the Armenians, the Turks have embraced democracy and are a notable exception in the Islamic world. I have had Muslim friends who are among the nicest people I have known. Yet, you cannot ignore that it is the Islam radicals who are the terrorists and the suicide bombers and that they are following Mohammed's example of brutality and are following the express dictates of the Qu'ran.
All you need do is read Islamic teachings to see the brutal violence it teaches to its ardent adherents. Only then will you understand the scope of the threat that nuclear weapons in the hands of these purportedly peaceful people will pose. To borrow a quote from Hitchcock's movie Lifeboat, "Just because a rattlesnake is a rattlesnake that does not make it a nightengale."
The Nazis would have been intelligent to do what Islam has nearly done to Europe today which is to conquer it from within by terror and fear. Just do an internet search for the term, "Eurabia" or "Islamic Republic of Europe." Already, France is starry eyed with Islam and the UK will surely follow. The lessons of the very recent World War II are already lost on the Europeans so why expect them to look back on the lessons of their ancient history. It is simply a fallacy to believe that Mohammed was an ancient John Lennon or that Islam has the values of Ghandi.
Who would be the best beneficiaries of a Democratic Middle East?
How about Women!
Oh yeah, when you go and apply for a job, you are going to have to let them know that you were arrested! That is a good thing!
Ain't that the truth> Code Pink has accomplish nothing except blowing HOT AIR> and taking the discourse down to a low low point> Code Pink is a great help to President Bush and the Republican Party> Keep up the good work>
I love my CODEPINK sisters! I'm sending you all my love and wishes in solidarity. I'll be there this weekend!
-Terra from Lynchburg CodePink
Hey, Code Pink has made a substantial achievement in keeping the police and court staff working. That is just about there only achievement!
As a dues-paying member of the Democratic Party, and a public school employee, I am absolutely disgusted with the Bush/Cheney administration and have been against this war from it's inception. I am appalled at the financial and human cost of this elective war that has nothing to do with Sept. 11. I oppose the current administration every step of the way and, generally speaking, agree with much of what Code Pink stands for.
However, what I don't agree with are the tactics. Does Code Pink really believe that a bunch of professional, upper-middle class activists kicking and screaming like young children at a public hearing accomplish anything in terms of ending this war?? Do you really believe that your antics will in any way sway public opinion?
What groups like Code Pink fail to realize is that this war, and many other issues, are decided by the votes and sensibilities of more mainstream suburban soccer moms and middle of the road politicians like Chuck Hagel and Jim Webb.
Code Pink's theatrics won't do anything to sway anyone. All they do is allow already like-minded individuals an outlet for cheerleading.
I think you should shed the pink garb, leave DC and head to a shopping mall in Omaha and try to convince some of middle America that this war is a failed endeavor.
What are you talking about? We should continue dressing in pink. After all pink is our color.
Secondly, the vat majority of the country is uneducated and we have to talk down to get their attention because we can't reason with the uneducated masses.
Our tactics are similar to the recording industry which recognizes that "gangsta" rap appeals to a certain demographic.
In our case, since the vast majority of the country is not as educated as we are so we have to lower ourselves to their level and shout things like "douche bag" at government officials to appeal to this uneducated citizenry that could not fully understand our arguments against the war, but instead only relate to quick sound bites that we give them.
Be rest assured that our tactics are scientifically designed to be appealing not appalling as you would suggest.
I pray for President Bush and that he succeeds because if he fails my children and grandchildren will pay a high price for failure. Keep on keepin on kids!
Hey ladies at the DC house! You have abandoned your families and are paying a suggested monthly rent to Code Pink that comes at the expense of your family's needs. Yet Code Pink's leadership is well financially supported by wealthy ppl. like Jodi Evans. Why are they asking you for a monthly donation? You are after all, getting arrested and getting black marks on your record and Code Pink is not bailing your out right away or obtaining first class lawyers for you. And, at the same time, they want rent from you when the group is getting the benefit of using you as a prop for their stupid media tactics which thus far have been totally a waste of time.
You should be asking Code Pink to give you a suggested donation of rent for using your image, for putting a permanent arrest on your record and for future bail and lawyers fees.
All this talk of being sisters is all bunk. All the group has to offer is a "sisterhood". If you really got in trouble or needed something, you might get some help from friends, but don't hold your breath thinking Code Pink, Medea Benjamin or Jodi Evans will help you.
Mr. Anonymous,
Since you have chosen to misrepresent my question to you, and appear not to even have the courage to attach your name to your absurd statements, I do not think that further engagement in this forum would be productive. As usual, I look forward to a rational dialog. At this point, you do not appear to be willing to participate.
Michael Savage’s Commentary on September 11, 2007
Today I want to speak about the uncivil liberties being used by our enemies to destroy us. Both the enemy within and without, who are slowly but surely gaining the upper hand in their attempt to weaken us to the point where we can no longer defend ourselves. Their ultimate goal? The end of freedom and the imposition of Islam upon every man woman and child.
What are these uncivil liberties? The enemy within uses the uncivil liberty of Freedom of speech to preach hatred for our way of life. He uses freedom of assembly, to gather in mosques. He uses freedom of religion to hide behind the minarets while plotting our end. He even uses our freedom of the press to disseminate his calls for Jihad or Holy War right within our own nation.
There comes a time in every nation’s history, where certain freedoms must be curtailed, if the nation is to survive. IN the extreme, this is known as Martial Law. At this time in our history we do not require Martial Law, to protect ourselves. We require the Patriot Act, gutted by the enemy within, the ACLU. We require the freedom to tell each and every American, where the terrorists must be hiding, what they look like, what language they speak, and who to report suspicious persons to. These common sense acts of vigilance are not now being enacted, owing to the dominance of the left wing media, and the stranglehold on our police agencies by civil libertarians both within and outside the courts.
It was said “when the leaders will not lead the people, the people must lead the leaders”. Now is our time to lead our leaders, in this war against radical Islam. We the people must be vigilant, where the government dares not tread. We must demand a means such as an 800 number that all suspicious activity or persons (such a single central anti-terror number does not exist, even today!) can be reported to the authorities
In conclusion, we are as vulnerable to being attacked, if not more vulnerable, than we were on September 11th, 2001. Only when we the people stand up to the gangs of the illegitimate, suicidal, leftists, in the courts, the press and the government itself, do we have a whisper of a chance to stop the next attack. These crazy leftists would put their socialist principles above survival. Let me remind them, that the ultimate principle is survival.
Michael Savage
Oh my, not as many politicians are going to come out for the Sept. 15th protest. Is it because they don't want to associate themselves with groups that have strong ties to domestic communists and anti-Semites? All your efforts have produced NOTHING other than taking you away from your loved ones and families for a wasted cause built on irrational tactics that have no persuasive power. Your rantings of "liar" or "war criminals" or calling govt. officials "douche bags" has absolutely no impact other than to show your immaturity.
Your communist friends who will be pulling your strings in the upcoming protest view you as "Useful Idiots."
Good afternoon kicking and screaming immature domestic commies......
I feel that you guys did a great think and really got your point across. I would love to be given the opportunity to do something like that. I admire your entire organization and say continue to go for what you believe in!!!
Yes, continue calling people Douche Bags. It is really persuasive!
Anti-War Crowd Backs Notorious Dictators, Communists
By Kathleen Rhodes
CNSNews.com Correspondent
January 19, 2005
(CNSNews.com) - Insisting that they are "not criminals, they are patriots," an array of Bush-bashing protesters is making last-minute plans for their Inauguration Day demonstrations in Washington. However, the protesters have more in common than an aversion to war. They have a history of sympathizing with America's enemies including North Korea and Cuba, and they look to a former U.S. attorney general for guidance.
"We're coming in a spirit of non-violence," Shahid Buttar, a Washington, D.C., lawyer and political activist, emphasized, at a Jan. 12 news conference at the National Press Club, where various left-wing groups announced plans for "non-violent" protests.
Nancy Shia, organizer of Critical Mass and a self-described freelance photographer/activist, outlined plans for a Critical Mass bike ride on Inauguration Day. Her group's protest is intended to be "creative, not confrontational," she told reporters. "We intend to cooperate with police."
Jim Macdonald, a D.C. Anti-War Network (DAWN) organizer, said the group would be protesting the "war here at home on our civil liberties." The protests would "promote a world of peace and justice," he added.
Macdonald's group is planning a march, a rally, and civil disobedience in the form of a 'die-in,' featuring 1,000 black-draped coffins to symbolize the U.S. soldiers who have died in the war in Iraq.
Sister Shazza Nzingha, national chairwoman and founder of the National Alliance of Black Panthers, denounced what she called President Bush's "occupation of Iraq, his occupation of Palestine, his occupation of Haiti," and said her group would protest the president's "anti-people policies."
Lila Kaye of the Anarchist Resistance, which boasts of "smash[ing] a Secret Service checkpoint," burning an American flag, and "pelt[ing] the motorcade with trash" at the last Bush inauguration in 2001, said her group was also planning a non-violent march.
She said people worldwide are suffering from Bush's policies and that Thursday's protest will be an attempt to "stand in solidarity with those people." She added that Bush is responsible for "genocide."
Sarah Kauffman, field director for Turn Your Back on Bush (TYBOB), discussed the group's plan to protest "without signs, without pins, without placards." TYBOB members will turn their backs on the presidential motorcade to symbolize what they see as Bush turning his back on Iraq, the international community, the economy, the environment and schools.
Buttar said there will be "multiple actions all over the city," and "several thousand (people involved) at a minimum, but denied the existence of any kind of "grand organization."
However, Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, and the International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition were named as major players in the protests.
While these groups have been recognized for their large, noticeable protests over the years, they have also been accused of anti-American activity, and their leadership includes unapologetic sympathizers of regimes and political entities that are considered enemies of the United States.
Ramsey Clark is the answer
The International ANSWER Coalition is directed by Ramsey Clark, who rose to fame as U.S. attorney general for President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, but since then has publicly defended radical regimes around the world and offered legal assistance to some of the world's most notorious and reviled figures.
Clark is currently part of the legal defense team for ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. He also defended former Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosovic in the International Criminal Court when Milosovic was charged with ethnic cleansing, and according to a November 2002 World Net Daily article, represented a Rwandan pastor who had been charged with participating in the genocide of Tutsi civilians.
In 1986, Clark reportedly defended the Palestine Liberation Organization in a lawsuit brought by the family of American Leon Klinghoffer, the tourist who was killed by PLO terrorists in the hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship.
According to the Capital Research Center, Clark also founded the International Action Center (IAC), a spin-off of the Workers World Party (WWP), and has served as the official spokesman for the WWP since the early 1990s when he led the group's National Coalition to Stop U.S. Intervention in the Middle East.
The Workers World Party, which describes itself as a "revolutionary socialist" political party in the United States, was founded in 1959, the same year Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba.
The WWP, according to the World Net Daily article, defended the Chinese communist government's use of tanks in its bloody suppression of pro-democracy students in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Articles in Workers World, the WWP newspaper, blamed the students for "violent attacks on the soldiers," insisting the "events were a battle," and not, as many media organizations in the West characterized it, "a massacre."
While claiming to support workers' rights, the WWP defended the Soviet suppression of worker rebellions in Hungary in the 1950s, Czechoslovakia in the 1960s and Poland in the early 1980s, according to Politics1. The WWP also reportedly supported the 1991 KGB coup against then-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
In May 2001, FBI Director Louis Freeh labeled the WWP a "domestic terrorist group" in a statement to several U.S. Senate committees. "Anarchists and extremist socialist groups ... such as the Workers World Party have an international presence and, at times, also represent a potential threat in the United States," Freeh said at the time.
Birds of a Feather
Clark is not the only link between International ANSWER and the International Action Center. The International ANSWER steering committee includes members of IAC and the two groups share office space at 39 West 14th Street in New York City, along with a long list of left-wing, anti-war activist groups, according to an April 2004 report by the Capital Research Center and a number of other reports.
"Basically, ANSWER is dominated by the IAC, which is largely a front for the Workers World Party ..." said Stephen Zunes, chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, in a 2003 report in the Mercury News.
In a statement on the Workers Work Party website, the group claims that its "anti-war and anti-racist movements" are part of a socialist vision. It advertises the International Action Center's inaugural protest and has a phone number for information about transportation.
According to Politics1, the WWP also currently or in the past has sponsored or directed groups like the All People's Congress, the Nicaragua Network, the Alliance for Global Justice, Pastors for Peace, the Korean Truth Commission, the Movement for a People's Assembly, the National People's Campaign, the Independent Commission of Inquiry on the U.S. Invasion of Panama and the Campaign to Stop Settlements in Occupied Palestine.
Politics1 data indicates that some of these groups also have members on the International ANSWER steering committee and work out of the New York City building on West 14th Street. Other groups claiming the same address are Millions for Mumia, the People's Video Network, VoteNoWar.org, VoteToImpeach.org, and the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five.
Sympathies for North Korean dictator
Brian Becker, national coordinator for International ANSWER and organizer of a number of anti-Bush anti-war rallies, is a supporter of North Korean communist dictator Kim Jong Il. According to Becker's own statements, he has spent considerable time in North Korea advocating for the reunification of the Korean peninsula and denouncing U.S. troop presence in the Demilitarized Zone.
Although President Bush included North Korea in his famous "Axis of Evil" speech and Kim's policies are said by some in the Bush administration to be responsible for the starvation and death of approximately 2 million North Koreans, Becker claimed in an interview in Pyongyang in March 2002 that it was the U.S. that had carried out a campaign of genocide against the North Korean people.
A 2003 National Review report revealed that Becker, in concert with the Workers World Party, was an aggressive supporter of the former Soviet Union and opponent of what Becker labeled "U.S. imperialism." He claimed the Soviets "sent invaluable aid to Vietnam, Cuba, the African National Congress in South Africa, and other national-liberation movements."
In support of Castro and the Sandinistas
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), an "umbrella group" of over 100 left wing groups, including the Young Communist League, Communist Party USA, and various state communist parties, will also be involved in the Jan. 20 protests. The background of the UFPJ leadership is similar to that of International ANSWER.
Leslie Cagan, the national coordinator for UFPJ, is a known supporter of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, and in her time as director of the Cuba Information Project, defended Cuba against what she called the "brutality and power of the U.S. government," according to a February 2003 FrontPage Magazine report.
According to this report, Cagan in the late 1960s and early 1970s was allied with the Venceremos Brigades, a rebel group organized by Castro's intelligence agency, which trained "brigadistas" in guerilla warfare tactics.
In the mid 1980s, Cagan advocated the cause of the Marxist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua as coordinator of the National Mobilization for Justice and Peace in Central America. A FrontPage Magazine report claimed that Cagan led marches of up to 75,000 people against U.S. aid to the Contras who opposed the Sandinista government.
Code Pink, another prominent counter-inaugural group which falls under the umbrella of UFPJ, includes prominent anti-capitalists like Medea Benjamin, who played a key organizing role in the 1999 Seattle World Trade Organization riots, according to a website for Global Exchange, another activist group headed by Benjamin. The riots in Seattle caused millions of dollars in property damage, according to numerous news reports.
Benjamin also served as project coordinator for the Institute for Food and Development Policy, which reportedly sent aid to the Sandinistas. Benjamin claimed in her book, "I, Senator" that she "fought Ronald Reagan's illegal and immoral war against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua."
In a 2001 San Francisco Chronicle article, Benjamin was asked about protestors sympathizing with so-called enemies of U.S. foreign policy, including the communist Viet Cong and the Sandinistas. "There's no one who will talk about how the other side is good," she said.
In another Chronicle report, Benjamin was asked to compare communist Cuba, which she had visited in the 1980s, with the United States. "It seem[ed] like I died and went to heaven," she reportedly said of Cuba.
Who is Funding These Groups?
Observers of the anti-war movement have speculated about the way these organizations, International ANSWER in particular, are funded. According to the Capital Research Center, the groups are sponsored by non-profit, tax exempt groups. Individuals or organizations may make tax-deductible contributions to the 501(c)3 non-profit, which then transfers funds to the activist groups.
Tracing the funds, however, is "all but impossible," according to the CRC.
Contributions to International ANSWER or the International Action Center may be made through the People's Rights Fund, yet another group sharing the New York City address and categorized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit "charity."
When Shahid Buttar, the Washington, D.C., lawyer, was asked at the Jan 12 news conference how the counter-inaugural events would be funded, she stressed the unimportance of money, calling the efforts the "people's uprising."
Macdonald mentioned that a lot of donations came through the groups' websites, but named UFPJ as one of the "big, overarching groups." UFPJ contributed $1,500 for the protests, which Macdonald described as "our biggest funding source."
He emphasized that there hasn't been much funding otherwise. "We're doing this for free," using "resources of the people." Macdonald said those involved are "willing to be transparent."
Wow, the Code Pink ladies really looked great with their sheep heads on! How pathetic you folks are.....
To JimPreston:
You can call me Mr. MAJIC. I live and work on Desert Dog Rd. in that place that some designate with a name and a number....
To JimPreston:
I am easy to find, but hard to get to. But, where I live and work is the only Desert Dog Rd. in the United States. If you decide to come, make sure you come late at night and you can get close to me by following 75. Just look toward the left and you will see a little life out there in the middle of nowhere.
When you come to the fence along my property, don't bother looking for the entrance, just climb over and run toward my place.
Code Pink, I think it's time for a LITTLE PINK CHILL PILL. Your disruption at the congressional hearing only served to expose you for what you are - pathetic, lunatic, mannerless menopausal nutcases. (I am exercising MY right to free speech here.) Also, LOSE the tiaras - tiaras are for princesses and LADIES - and you, for sure are NO LADIES. Lastly, accusing our Commander in Chief, Vice President, and General Petraeus of lying, cheating, spying, etc...especially during war time - when our troops are sacrificing so much, even their lives, in order to protect our country and our future - is, in itself treason. Shame on you all!
Don't you know that like the communist and socialist dictators that the so called anti-war movement adores [(1)Medea Benjamin was quoted as describing Castro's Cuba as heaven when she was writing for a communist paper there; (2) Medea Benjamin, Cindy Sheehan and Jodi Evans had a big hug session with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Sheehan said she would rather live under Chavez than Bush; (3) Brian Becker of International ANSWER went to North Korea and lauded that regime; (4) International ANSWER is connected to the Worker's of the World Party which supported several communist invasions and even blamed the students for China's massacre of the students protesting for democracy in Beijing and (5) Is led by outspoken communists like Judith Leblanc of the Communist Party USA] that Code Pink is simply using the tactics of their dictator friends like Castro and Hugo Chavez. Believe me, if Code Pink had its way, we would be silenced and shouted down here in the United States just as the opposition is in Cuba or Venezuela. Code Pink can't argue with anyone in the marketplace of ideas. They can only produce stupid street theatrics and three second lunatic rantings and ravings. They are not intellectuals, just kickers and screamers. Why do you think they have accomplished nothing.....
More crap street theater expected this weekend with the "Die-In" that is scheduled to occur. By the way, if I am not mistaken the people organizing this weekend's protest have never protested China's facilitating GENOCIDE in Darfur and have never acknowledged that George Bush has done more for Darfur than any other leader on the planet.
Also, this International ANSWER group that is behind this weekend's protest is affiliated with the Workers of the World Party which supported the Soviet Invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia to crush the Prague Spring and student protests for democracy. The WWP also decried putting Milosovick on trial for war crimes.
Don't expect Code Pink and its ilk to have die ins in support of Darfur or to protest against North Korean atrocities, Cuban repression, Uganda's torture, Nicaragua's blanket abortion ban or Hugo Chavez shutting down all the opposition in Venezuela. The leadership of Code Pink seems to embrace communist dictators. The useful idiots who march with this organization and groups like International ANSWER have no clue what is really behind these groups. I feel sorry for them because they have no idea as to what it is that they are really getting arrested for and making themselves look like fools for.
Possession of drugs in enough to get you hung in Iran. Fortunately, we don't do that here in the US or have of the anti-war movements constituents would be dead...
Support Our Troops by letting them complete their mission!
Now, now, you don't need to criticize the ignorant Code Pink women with misogynistic statement All you need to do is look at their ties to communist and socialist dictators to see the hypocrisy behind Code Pink and you will actually feel sorry for the ignorant ladies who unwittingly get arrested and get permanent marks on their records for this group which merely uses them as three second props. You will feel sorry for them following Medea Benjamin who criticizes Bush, but lauds Hugo Chavez and was quoted as describing communist Cuba as heaven. On the contrary, these are not hippie wannabes. They are really a pathetic group of ignorant people unwittingly shilling for the communist and socialist agendas behind the so called "antiwar movement." They are what Lenin so appropriately called "USEFUL IDIOTS." They are to be pitied not scorned....
Have you noticed that the soldiers are putting their lives on the line for the cause they are fighting for. But what about the antiwar leadership.
They go on these stupid ass publicity hunger strikes, but none of them actually die of starvation because they are too busy chowing down pies when the cameras shut down.
What do you idealists think that John F. Kennedy would have made of Susan "Medea" Benjamin going down and embracing Hugo Chavez and her ties to communist Cuba?
Even John F. Kennedy recognized that people like Chavez and Castro are dangerous enemies of the United States. Yet, your Code Stink leadership loves the very dictators that Kennedy fought against.
You should do some research on the people you are marching with and you will find that at the core you may not have a lot in common.
Moreover, you should ask to look at the financial contributors of Code Stink, UPJ and ANSWER to see where there financing comes from. You might be surprised.....
Hey did you see the news about the Islamic terrorist who said if he took over the US they would kill pop culture icons like Britney Spears and Madonna for spreading their Satanic Culture. Maybe Medea Benjamin, Cindy Sheehan and the leaders of INTERNATIONAL ANSWER and United for Justice and Pace will go over and hug that terrorist and say they would rather live under him than Bush.
Even better, maybe they will all go over and live under Islamic Law with their fellow Code Stinksters.
Are any of you planning on ACTUALLY dying at this weekend's die in. Now that would be pretty COOL! Put a little extra money in your socks if you intend to do that because I am sure Code Pink isn't going to pay to have your body taken care of if you decide to do that.....
So was Jodi Evans writing checks for the criminals who were arrested this week to get bail?
Please, please for heavens sake don't just act out a "die in" this weekend. If you are so into your cause why not try ACTUALLY dying. After all, Cagen, sheehan and other leaders always go on these stupid hunger strikes, but they never follow it through to the end. Surely, if they did they would get a lot of media and a lot of their ideas would get out.... You ladies should think about that...
Code Kicking & Screaming whiners.....
With Criminal Records!
They Came, they whined like a bunch of pigs & they were dragged off to the muddy pen they belong in..... The jail should have charged an admission for people to see them like they do at the zoo
The Democrats presented so very much hope when we elected them. And now, they have just abandoned us and kicked us in the teeth. And now, they kick us even when we are down. Cindy Sheehan was right about them. They are the ones who betrayed us.
All the protesters in the world could show up this weekend and it wouldn't matter, it wouldn't make a difference.
We already suffered a total defeat even before this weekend's protest. We even suffered it before Petraus even showed up on Capital Hill.
Who actually makes a realistic proposal to bring troops home --- President Bush! Go figure.......
The Communist coalition
From FrontPage Magazine
* International ANSWER (Bay Area) – A front for the Workers World Party’s International Action Center headed by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark (who recently volunteered to serve as Saddam’s lawyer), International ANSWER has supported such madmen as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, and Kim Jong-il. ANSWER was also the prime sponsor of the large “antiwar” rallies before Operation Iraqi Freedom.
* Code Pink – A far-Left group of faux housewives established by omnipresent pro-Castro activist Medea Benjamin, the founders met while agitating on behalf of Nicaragua’s communist Sandanista government. Benjamin, with Communist Party USA member Leslie Cagan, founded the International Occupation Watch in Baghdad, an organization dedicated to getting U.S. GIs to declare themselves conscientious objectors and get themselves sent home. Code Pink spokesperson “Sand” Brim flew a surgeon into El Salvador to operate on Marxist guerrilla leader Nidia Diaz’s hand shortly after guerrillas under her command murdered American troops. Co-founder Jodie Evans is a Democratic Party fundraiser with ties to eco-terrorists. Late last year, the group traveled to Iraq to donate $600,000 in cash and supplies to the terrorist stronghold of Fallujah. They made headlines this year by bursting into John Bolton’s confirmation hearings. Furthering the Left’s incestuous relationship, Medea Benjamin’s Code Pink is also a member of Leslie Cagan’s United for Peace and Justice, which became the “mainstream” voice of the anti-American Left opposed to the War on Terror.
* Free Palestine Alliance – A leftist Palestinian organization demanding “an immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel,” it seems to exist only as a member of International ANSWER’s “steering committee.” (Its contact information is the same as the IAC.)
* Global Exchange – Another organization founded by Medea Benjamin, which takes credulous left-wingers on trips to Potemkin villages around the world, to demonstrate the glories of socialism (in places like Cuba) or the evils of U.S. foreign policy (in locales such as Iraq and Afghanistan)....
* Not in Our Name (NION) – Founded by Maoiost radical C. Clark Kissinger of the Revolutionary Communist Party – an organization considered extremist and violent even by fellow Maoists – this “antiwar” coalition produced a “Statement of Conscience,” signed by thousands of leftists, condemning America’s “openly imperial policy towards the world.” NION showed its patriotic spirit this year in a Fourth of July rally for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, at which it distributed an American flag emblazoned with the phrase, “Torture is immoral and unpatriotic!” (Also present were former detainees, their lawyers, Code Pink, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and feminist idols Gloria Steinem and Eve Ensler.) After Bush’s re-election, NION issued a statement accusing the Bush administration of seeking “unquestioned world supremacy” and laboring to “impose a narrow, intolerant, and political form of Christian fundamentalism as government policy.” It has also supported Sgt. Kevin Benderman, who refused to return to Iraq and stands accused of desertion and larceny, and calls convicted Iraq deserter Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia “a prisoner of conscience.” NION is a member of UFPJ.
Wow, folks, isn't it EXHILARATING to be able to vent your demented misogyny and pretend it has something to do with politics?
Y'all rock. At least you arent siiting on your asses like all the fake liberals on DailyKos.
Keep it up.
he Communist coalition
From FrontPage Magazine
* International ANSWER (Bay Area) – A front for the Workers World Party’s International Action Center headed by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark (who recently volunteered to serve as Saddam’s lawyer), International ANSWER has supported such madmen as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, and Kim Jong-il. ANSWER was also the prime sponsor of the large “antiwar” rallies before Operation Iraqi Freedom.
* Code Pink – A far-Left group of faux housewives established by omnipresent pro-Castro activist Medea Benjamin, the founders met while agitating on behalf of Nicaragua’s communist Sandanista government. Benjamin, with Communist Party USA member Leslie Cagan, founded the International Occupation Watch in Baghdad, an organization dedicated to getting U.S. GIs to declare themselves conscientious objectors and get themselves sent home. Code Pink spokesperson “Sand” Brim flew a surgeon into El Salvador to operate on Marxist guerrilla leader Nidia Diaz’s hand shortly after guerrillas under her command murdered American troops. Co-founder Jodie Evans is a Democratic Party fundraiser with ties to eco-terrorists. Late last year, the group traveled to Iraq to donate $600,000 in cash and supplies to the terrorist stronghold of Fallujah. They made headlines this year by bursting into John Bolton’s confirmation hearings. Furthering the Left’s incestuous relationship, Medea Benjamin’s Code Pink is also a member of Leslie Cagan’s United for Peace and Justice, which became the “mainstream” voice of the anti-American Left opposed to the War on Terror.
* Free Palestine Alliance – A leftist Palestinian organization demanding “an immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel,” it seems to exist only as a member of International ANSWER’s “steering committee.” (Its contact information is the same as the IAC.)
* Global Exchange – Another organization founded by Medea Benjamin, which takes credulous left-wingers on trips to Potemkin villages around the world, to demonstrate the glories of socialism (in places like Cuba) or the evils of U.S. foreign policy (in locales such as Iraq and Afghanistan)....
* Not in Our Name (NION) – Founded by Maoiost radical C. Clark Kissinger of the Revolutionary Communist Party – an organization considered extremist and violent even by fellow Maoists – this “antiwar” coalition produced a “Statement of Conscience,” signed by thousands of leftists, condemning America’s “openly imperial policy towards the world.” NION showed its patriotic spirit this year in a Fourth of July rally for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, at which it distributed an American flag emblazoned with the phrase, “Torture is immoral and unpatriotic!” (Also present were former detainees, their lawyers, Code Pink, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and feminist idols Gloria Steinem and Eve Ensler.) After Bush’s re-election, NION issued a statement accusing the Bush administration of seeking “unquestioned world supremacy” and laboring to “impose a narrow, intolerant, and political form of Christian fundamentalism as government policy.” It has also supported Sgt. Kevin Benderman, who refused to return to Iraq and stands accused of desertion and larceny, and calls convicted Iraq deserter Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia “a prisoner of conscience.” NION is a member of UFPJ.
he Communist coalition
From FrontPage Magazine
* International ANSWER (Bay Area) – A front for the Workers World Party’s International Action Center headed by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark (who recently volunteered to serve as Saddam’s lawyer), International ANSWER has supported such madmen as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, and Kim Jong-il. ANSWER was also the prime sponsor of the large “antiwar” rallies before Operation Iraqi Freedom.
* Code Pink – A far-Left group of faux housewives established by omnipresent pro-Castro activist Medea Benjamin, the founders met while agitating on behalf of Nicaragua’s communist Sandanista government. Benjamin, with Communist Party USA member Leslie Cagan, founded the International Occupation Watch in Baghdad, an organization dedicated to getting U.S. GIs to declare themselves conscientious objectors and get themselves sent home. Code Pink spokesperson “Sand” Brim flew a surgeon into El Salvador to operate on Marxist guerrilla leader Nidia Diaz’s hand shortly after guerrillas under her command murdered American troops. Co-founder Jodie Evans is a Democratic Party fundraiser with ties to eco-terrorists. Late last year, the group traveled to Iraq to donate $600,000 in cash and supplies to the terrorist stronghold of Fallujah. They made headlines this year by bursting into John Bolton’s confirmation hearings. Furthering the Left’s incestuous relationship, Medea Benjamin’s Code Pink is also a member of Leslie Cagan’s United for Peace and Justice, which became the “mainstream” voice of the anti-American Left opposed to the War on Terror.
* Free Palestine Alliance – A leftist Palestinian organization demanding “an immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel,” it seems to exist only as a member of International ANSWER’s “steering committee.” (Its contact information is the same as the IAC.)
* Global Exchange – Another organization founded by Medea Benjamin, which takes credulous left-wingers on trips to Potemkin villages around the world, to demonstrate the glories of socialism (in places like Cuba) or the evils of U.S. foreign policy (in locales such as Iraq and Afghanistan)....
* Not in Our Name (NION) – Founded by Maoiost radical C. Clark Kissinger of the Revolutionary Communist Party – an organization considered extremist and violent even by fellow Maoists – this “antiwar” coalition produced a “Statement of Conscience,” signed by thousands of leftists, condemning America’s “openly imperial policy towards the world.” NION showed its patriotic spirit this year in a Fourth of July rally for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, at which it distributed an American flag emblazoned with the phrase, “Torture is immoral and unpatriotic!” (Also present were former detainees, their lawyers, Code Pink, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and feminist idols Gloria Steinem and Eve Ensler.) After Bush’s re-election, NION issued a statement accusing the Bush administration of seeking “unquestioned world supremacy” and laboring to “impose a narrow, intolerant, and political form of Christian fundamentalism as government policy.” It has also supported Sgt. Kevin Benderman, who refused to return to Iraq and stands accused of desertion and larceny, and calls convicted Iraq deserter Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia “a prisoner of conscience.” NION is a member of UFPJ.
The Communist coalition
From FrontPage Magazine
* International ANSWER (Bay Area) – A front for the Workers World Party’s International Action Center headed by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark (who recently volunteered to serve as Saddam’s lawyer), International ANSWER has supported such madmen as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, and Kim Jong-il. ANSWER was also the prime sponsor of the large “antiwar” rallies before Operation Iraqi Freedom.
* Code Pink – A far-Left group of faux housewives established by omnipresent pro-Castro activist Medea Benjamin, the founders met while agitating on behalf of Nicaragua’s communist Sandanista government. Benjamin, with Communist Party USA member Leslie Cagan, founded the International Occupation Watch in Baghdad, an organization dedicated to getting U.S. GIs to declare themselves conscientious objectors and get themselves sent home. Code Pink spokesperson “Sand” Brim flew a surgeon into El Salvador to operate on Marxist guerrilla leader Nidia Diaz’s hand shortly after guerrillas under her command murdered American troops. Co-founder Jodie Evans is a Democratic Party fundraiser with ties to eco-terrorists. Late last year, the group traveled to Iraq to donate $600,000 in cash and supplies to the terrorist stronghold of Fallujah. They made headlines this year by bursting into John Bolton’s confirmation hearings. Furthering the Left’s incestuous relationship, Medea Benjamin’s Code Pink is also a member of Leslie Cagan’s United for Peace and Justice, which became the “mainstream” voice of the anti-American Left opposed to the War on Terror.
* Free Palestine Alliance – A leftist Palestinian organization demanding “an immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel,” it seems to exist only as a member of International ANSWER’s “steering committee.” (Its contact information is the same as the IAC.)
* Global Exchange – Another organization founded by Medea Benjamin, which takes credulous left-wingers on trips to Potemkin villages around the world, to demonstrate the glories of socialism (in places like Cuba) or the evils of U.S. foreign policy (in locales such as Iraq and Afghanistan)....
* Not in Our Name (NION) – Founded by Maoiost radical C. Clark Kissinger of the Revolutionary Communist Party – an organization considered extremist and violent even by fellow Maoists – this “antiwar” coalition produced a “Statement of Conscience,” signed by thousands of leftists, condemning America’s “openly imperial policy towards the world.” NION showed its patriotic spirit this year in a Fourth of July rally for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, at which it distributed an American flag emblazoned with the phrase, “Torture is immoral and unpatriotic!” (Also present were former detainees, their lawyers, Code Pink, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and feminist idols Gloria Steinem and Eve Ensler.) After Bush’s re-election, NION issued a statement accusing the Bush administration of seeking “unquestioned world supremacy” and laboring to “impose a narrow, intolerant, and political form of Christian fundamentalism as government policy.” It has also supported Sgt. Kevin Benderman, who refused to return to Iraq and stands accused of desertion and larceny, and calls convicted Iraq deserter Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia “a prisoner of conscience.” NION is a member of UFPJ.
Looks like the Freepers are using the old usenet trolling technique of cutting and pasting long passages from right-wing texts to slow down the discussion.
That's a sure fire admission of defeat. You've got to them. You've got under their skin.
They know they're losing.
Oh yeah, you are so right, Code Pink is winning. If only everyone else had the power of your persuasion.
Let's review - you want impeachment and it has not happened.
Troops out now - Afraid not even with a Democratic Congress.
You have to beg and plead to meet with Nancy Pelosi.
In this week you just saw our commitment extended until at LEAST 2009.
I will concede defeat - You won!
We can't win in Iraq or else we will lose the next presidential election. It is imperative that the troop surge does not work otherwise we are in danger of losing the next election.
Bush's approval rating is what?
The majority of Americans aren't freeper racist fanatics like the people trolling this thread and they're not scared of their own shadow liberals like the types who post at the Daily Kos.
They simply don't care about the war anymore. They know full well they're in no real danger from "Islamofascists" and that the LGF/Malkin/Freep types who are infesting this thread are all a gang of racist loons.
Do they want to take the time to stop the war? Nah. Are they against it. Yep.
But what happens when you start talking about a draft or invading Iran? Then the American people start taking notice. You won't take THEIR kids for your little Zionazi racist war and you won't scare them off with concern trolling about wearing pink and yelling at General Betray Ass.
Nope. THe support for this war is a millimeter thick and the military is close to breaking. Bush pulled out all the stops this week to lay the ground for an escalation and you all know he failed.
Thus your hysteria in this thread.
You claim George Bush's poll ratings are at 5% and that is incorrect. His poll ratings are higher than Nancy Pelosi's Congress the last time I checked.
However, even if they were lower, would it matter. Abraham Lincoln was vilified in his day by freaks like you for his commitment to fight the Civil War. Lincoln was even referred to as a "baboon."
You don't advocate fighting and making sacrifices for short term gains or poll numbers. You fight and make sacrifices so that future generations can enjoy a more secure and prosperous future.
Secondly, you say support for the war is at such a low point, but it seems like we have gotten further and further away from your goal which is "Troops Home Now." It seems like we have gotten to a strategy that focuses on success.
Also, you appear negative about Michelle Malkin, but she is not going around shouting others down and hurling insults at people who have made tremendous sacrifices to go into public service. Moreover, even if she did, would it be right in a culture in which civility and decorum have been replaced by the zoo tactics of groups like Code Pink.
The only success you had was in getting arrested and looking like immature kicking and screaming children. And, what did that accomplish? You still have to have online petitions to get a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. How odd is that, a liberal whack job from San Francisco will not even meet with your insignificant group of hecklers.
While you were heckling decent people, President Bush was coming up with a successful strategy to leave Iraq a better and more secure place. You think you won victories, but in recent months our troop commitment has gone up.
You wanted us to lose in Iraq, but it appears that we are getting our shit together there.
You talk about Zionists and that is no surprise because the so called "antiwar movement" is Anti-Semitic at heart and also its leadership has disturbing links to domestic communist and socialist groups.
You label Darfur as a crap issue, but yet Code Pink has a little blurb about it on its website. However, Code Pink wants to send a message to Pres. Bush about Darfur when in fact he has done more on Darfur than any other international leader. The problem is sending a message to China who actively supports the genocide there. But, you will not see Code Pink disrupt China at the UN because communist support of genocide must be acceptable. Perhaps this is because the antiwar groups are led by communists and socialists.
Code Pink had a devastating week. Even Cindy Sheehan has acknowledged that the Democrats turned their backs on you. And, in the coming months you will really see them slap you in the face because they are going to distance themselves way far away from you.
You notice that Code Pink was not at the Senate hearing causing disruptions. Why do you think that was?
By the way, you talk about the horror people would have if we instituted a draft. The only draft legislation introduced was by one of your Democratic buddies, Charles Wrangle of New York.
I told you in an earlier post that your so called friends in the Democratic party were plotting to insure that your presence at Congressional hearings was lessened. As you could visibly see from the Senate hearing, what I said came to pass.
Majic --
Want another prediction? Here it is --- We will succeed in Iraq.
Majic --
Desert Dog Rd.
Middle of Nowhere, Nevada
Ok, folks.
I have been defending you all day on Crooks and Liars and i do not even know any of you, but always liked you.
It would be great if some of you went over there and spoke for yourselves because i fully support and was cheered by your actions on Monday but the "Left" is blowing a gasget. (I truly do not get it.)
Here is the last thing i posted but there is a hell of a lot more:
"Bob Roberts @ 136:
Also I don’t think the blog post criticizing Code Pink was out of line. Certain types of demonstrators are easier for the administration, the media and much of the populace to dismiss. Screaming in the middle of a General’s testimony brings uncomfortable images of anarchy to the minds of some and represents an attack on free speech to others. Waving a demon figure representing the President is a self-limiting strategy. You won’t be taken seriously by people who don’t already share your views (and may be dismissed by most of them).
Code Pink doesn’t need to convince other demonstrators, they need to appeal to middle of the road, middle class, sober minded, serious Americans (or however such people see themselves)."
"A more simple minded argument would take days to dredge up and i have other things to do, so i will settle for this one.
No, Bob Roberts (great film by the way, if you have not seen it. please do) Code Pink is not here to make YOU feel comfortable. Anyone who feels comfortable with this war or the way it is being opposed needs his head examined. Are you suggesting that the war needs to be oppossed in a manner that is sterile and and acceptable? Forget the notion. It has never existed and it will never exist.
As far as convincing people what to believe, i believe that lies beyond our responsibility.
Our responsibility is to oppose the war. It is the responsibility of others to decide if they are for or against the war. How that is expressed is up to those who wish to express it.
I draw that line at violence.
It is really funny to me that the “Left” is going ape shit over funny costumes and “shrill” voices while the right is DEAD FUCKING SILENT over abortion clinic bombings and snipers killing abortion doctors while “RAH RAHing” a fundamentally flawed and criminal war.
So what the fuck exactly is this? We can’t stop Bush from illegally invading Iraq and next possibly Iran and we can’t get the US out of Iraq so we may as well kick the shit out of some female activists who wear shocking pink outfits because…
Because that is the best we can fucking do?
Eat me!"
Here is the thread:
Will said...
I happen to agree with quite a bit of what CODEPINK stands for. I'm just embarrassed that your cause is being overshadowed by your immaturity.
You women are just sad. Speaking out is one thing. Acting like whiny children, kicking and screaming (literally) is another thing. CODEPINK has very little credibility because you and other organizations have no concept of free speech. Free speech does not mean shouting down someone who is reading a statement.
If you have succeeded at anything today it is making your organization look worse. Yes, you brought attention to your cause but have you really accomplished anything?
When you grow up you're more than welcome to sit at the adult table with the rest of us and debate like adults.
September 10, 2007 10:22 PM
We all have free speech in this country, right?
All you need is a network and we all know how inexpensive and affordable they are. I think the licensing part is the toughie.
Some of you raise very good points. The fact, however, is that we were dealt a crushing defeat in the last week. And, another one is coming soon.....
Oh Come on now, if Code Pink was really trying to be persuasive do you honestly believe that Susan "Medea" Benjamin would have met Hugo Chavez down in Venezuela. Isn't it an odd hypocrisy that she would meet the dictator who shut down his media opposition and seized its assets. Yet, that is considered a Code Pink paradise.
Isn't it odd that she was quoted as describing Castor's Cuba as heaven. She should go to Miami and ask the Cuban Americans what they think of this so called heaven.
Moreover, can you really expect an intellectual discussion from a group who's leader organized the protests in 1999 that led to the Seattle riots and caused millions of dollars in damage.
You cannot expect any intellectual reasoning by these immature kicking and screaming animals. Why do you think their goal is to change minds. These groups are affiliated with well known domestic socialists and communists. The antiwar message is a front for its real goal which is to expose well intended unwitting Americans to acts of radicalism and to their communist, socialist and anti-Semitic messages.
Come out with International ANSWER this weekend so we can protest the war and the cororate capitalist pigs! Advocate anarchy with us and revulotion!
Yeah, true, I hope Nancy Pelosi comes out of her shell so we can tell her she is a Corporate Capitalist Pig. Notice how I spelled "Corporate," learn from it.
We Don't need to go to Crooks & Liars to Defefend ourselves because we speak for all of America and the people at Crooks & Liars are idots and cororate capitalist pigs anyway.
Tomorrow looks like another waste of time. We are going to be competing with OJ Simpson for attention....
Can someone get more photos of Midge Potts over the weekend. Haven't seen Midge in a while. She is like the second face of Code Pink!
Midge Potts is a member of Code Pink, a covert Conservative puppet group established to annoy the hell out of the general public so much that even the likes of the most liberal of scum will soon side with the Bush Administration.
Legalize drugs and we will have peace. If everyone just kicked back and lit up a fatty there would be world peace. LEGALIZE IT FOR PEACE!
Noooow Helter Skelter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey we really showed those corporate capitalist pigs by interrupting and heckling the Heritage Foundation's memorial for Iraq War Dead didn't we!
It was too bad that the prosecutor did not issue an order requiring Lori Perdue to stay away from the capital back in April. Had they done their jobs, she would be in prison now for violating her probation.
Code Pink kept the Capitol Police busy this week with their constant interruptions during the testimony of Gen. Petraeus. Then, Code Pink decided to interrupt a private meeting by the Heritage Foundation. The disruptive theatrical tactics of Code Pink are eerily similar to those used by Charles Manson's "family." So, in keeping with the similarities that are well known between the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations, it is important to consider the similarities between Charles Manson, "The Family," the Manson girls and the girls of Code Pink.
Like the Manson family, Code Pink has adopted imagery, a "uniform" of sorts to distinguish themselves from civilized society. In Charles Manson's case, he carved an X on his forehead to make a statement about how he X'd himself out of society and the rest of his "family followed." Code Pink adopted pink as its distinguishing imagery to mock the homeland security alert codes and make a statement that the threat of terrorist attack is not serious.
More importantly, Code Pink has essentially X'd itself out of civilized discourse by its disruptive Manson family antics. During the Manson trial, the other three Manson "girls" would rise and speak in unison, or individually, during testimony and Manson himself would disrupt the trial with antics such as showing a newspaper headline to the jury. When the verdict of guilty on all counts was read by the court clerk, it had to be read over the shouts of all the Manson Family defendants who screamed that the "Whole system is a game!"
It appears that Code Pink has wholly adopted the disruptive antics of the Manson Family. During the Patraeus testimony, Code Pink members rose, sometimes in unison, and persistently disrupted the hearing just like the Manson defendants did during the 1970-1971 trial.
This week Code Pink even interrupted a private Heritage Foundation meeting on progress in Iraq. Code Pink members took the stage and shouted at the speakers and the audience.
Code Pink is notorious for heckling people it disagrees with. The Manson Family would, from the sidewalk, heckle prosecutors and witnesses on their way into court during the Manson trial.
The Manson Family used street theater such as crawling through downtown Los Angeles on all fours, in a "Crawl In," to protest the trial of Charles Manson and the "family." Code Pink also uses street theater such as dressing with sheep heads and protesting in front of the capitol. Today, Code Pink will be having a "Die In with International ANSWER (a front group for the socialist workers of the world party)."
Even in the realm of politics there is some similarity between Charles Manson and Code Pink. Charles Manson was obsessed with the Nazis. Code Pink's leadership has an obsession with another dictatorial regime; that of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Code Pink's leaders Medea Benjamin and Jodi Evans went to Venezuela with Cindy Sheehan. They were photographed hugging Hugo Chavez. Sheehan was quoted as saying that she would rather live under Chavez than Bush. On its website, Code Pink hawks the t-shirt Jodi Evans was wearing for their historic diplomatic moment with the South American dictator.
Charles Manson listened to the Beatles White Album and was inspired to form a twisted philosophy. For Code Pink, their White Album is simply the news. They watch it with paranoia and see conspiracies and lies by every government official.
Charles Manson was frustrated because he could not break into the music industry. Code Pink is frustrated because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not meet with them. They have even camped outside of her house and have an online petition seeking an hour or two of the speakers time.
These are just a few of the similarities between Charles Manson, the Manson girls, the "family" and Code Pink.
God Bless the Gathering of Eagles.....
Some 200 more useful idiots with criminal records today!!!!!!!!!!
Did you see one of the Charles Manson girls at the die in with the rest of the "family' of freakazoids on the news who said General Patraeus is a coward?
why is it that you secretly eat pies, sweets and otrher foods during your hunger strikes?
DON'T TASE ME BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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