CODEPINK brought a decorated Christmas tree to Capitol Hill with gifts of coal wrapped for the working class people!Hank Paulson & Bush were part of the street sellout theatre accepting the $$$$ from the congressmembers.
We took an independent poll of staffers from booth party and
GAEL has been nominated for the best actress award for yesterday's performance.
PLease make certain to visit your rep in district before the end of the year and STAND UP for truth peace justice and a better more just foreign policy.
Impeachment Hearings could have mitigated this HORRIBLE BAILOUT SCAM!!!IMPEAMENHT is still possible...........CALL Conyers remind him he could have preempted this BULLSH$$$T BAILOUT debacle!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
As much I respect your ladies opinion and everyone who is against and for the war, to me it seems that there are better ways to spread the word around. Stuff like this de-motivates the troops, and a member of the active duty military, I should know.
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