CODEPINKers took our drums megaphones Italian Flags to the White House for the Berlusconi Bush Summit this morning! the people of Vincenza Italy say NO DAl Molin!!
95% of the Vincenza citizenry clearly oppose further US militray expansion!!
Listen to your People-Stop supporting the Evil Bush Empire!!!
Liz always has her voice heard.
All due respect, ranger, but you can't handle the truth. The truth is, our liberties are under assault from a regime of warmongers and war criminals, and these liberties are being defended at that gate in that photo by some ladies in Pink. Who else is going to do that - you, rangerboy? We have responsibilities you cannot possibly fathom.
You say you love this war and you hate Code Pink. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing that the end of oil profits, though tragic for Halliburton's bottom line, saves lives. Our very existence, though grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves liberty. You have these luxuries because up in that bright shiny place you don't talk about in Pentagon propaganda mills, you want Code Pink at that gate! You need Code Pink at that gate!
Peace. Freedom. Social Justice. We use these words as the backbone of a lifetime spent defending something. Warmongers use 'em for a punchline. Now, we have the time, and we have the inclination, to discuss these matters with those who rise and sleep under the soft Pink blanket of dissent we provide, yet question the manner in which we provide it - BUT! - we'd rather they just said "Thank You" and went on their way.
Better still, acquire some frilly Pink unmentionables and go wage peace!
This is Petty Officer Pink, saying God loves you just the way you are, and she loves you too much to leave you that way.
i never said i loved war, cuz i aint never been yet but i know alotta guys who have, you say i cant handle the truth? how about all the schools weve built, irrigation weve installed, all the shipments of heroin weve intercepted from afghanistan, believe it or not there is alot of good coming out of this war, and we are there because we want to be, because we believe that everyone should have the same rights that we as americans tend to take for granted. So before you start accusing people of shit you should think about what life would be like if you lived in iraq or afghanistan before we intervened there, life sucked for 90% of those countries because of insane religious fanatics who felt they were doing gods work
way to qoute a military movie btw
I can here the new knowledge.
Thanks for the great reference post.
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