Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Torture is Terror 06.17.08 Senate Armed Services

CODEPINK attends another hearing on the topic of harsh interrogation techniques =Torture
The bottom line is out of 3 panels of witnesses NO ONE knows who authorized Torture as policy from the top down!
Alberto Maro recently retired General Counsel of the US Navy was the sane voice of all 3 panels.He worked to end the coercive legal aspects of John Yoo's memo which were unlawful.
He has been a dissenter that understands these policies undermine effective intelligence
gathering as well put our troops in excess danger in the field.


Diane Beaver legal adviser to General Dunalevy Guantanamo Bay Cuba
Lt Colonel Beaver is a true believer in staying the course on torture policy.


1 comment:

JimPreston said...

Thanks so much for being there my sisters. I miss you.