Monday, February 4, 2008

Thanks for the wonderful time in DC!

Dear Pink ladies,

I want to thank you all again for my wonderful experience at the CODEPINK house in January. I had so much fun joining you for the impeachment bannering, street theater and phone-a-thons. I think we got a lot of people's attention, too. It also meant a lot to me to be a part of the Code Pink presence in the house gallery, legislative hearings and other congressional meetings. I know that presence makes a difference, since members of Congress continue to cite Code Pink as a source of pressure to end the war!

Unquestionably my favorite event of the week was the anti-oil drilling action for which Ariel and I donned matching polar bear suits. We were well-received by members of Congress, the media and passers-by in the hearing, the halls of the congressional office buildings and the streets of Capitol Hill. (Magically, snow began falling during our action, contributing to the general excitement over polar bears on the Hill.) And I think our pointed signs got the message across well.

I also loved briefly being a part of the household. I very much enjoyed the group outing to Busboys & Poets, the weekly potluck and an appreciative environment for my vegan baking projects. I also admire how lovingly and efficiently the house is run by its residents.

But without a doubt, the best part of my visit to the Code Pink house was the inspiration I drew -- and will continue to draw -- from my sisters. One by one, I cornered each of the women in the house and got their stories: what they came from and why they came. The thing I found most amazing was that some of the women who had come for extended or recurring stays were not career organizers like me. Rather, they were women who left other lives out of sheer outrage at the actions of our government and went on to make themselves undeniable fixtures in a hostile environment.

I deeply respect the tireless dedication, urgent militancy and fearlessness with which Code Pink activists pursue peace, justice, and an end to Bush's insane war. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me join you.

With love and solidarity,

1 comment:

Pauli said...