Monday, September 17, 2007

Touring the Halls of Shame!

Concerned Citizens Deliver Message to Congress: 'Shape up or we will
vote you out!'

March to Duncan Hunter's Office:

Shaming of Roy Blunt:

Large Delegation Inducts Members of Congress Into the Hall of Shame Today

See a photo slideshow here!

CODEPINK Women for Peace led a coalition of anti-war groups on a tour
through the halls of Congress on Monday afternoon targeting members
who are staunch supporters of the Iraq war, encourage military strike
against Iran, violate civil liberties, and those who receive oil and
defense monies. The delegation estimated to be 50 turned out to be 150
with members from over 25 states and dozens of national and local
peace organizations. The 150 broke up into 5 groups according to
region and visited 15 Members of Congress and presented them with a
Certificate of Induction to the People's Hall of Shame. A special
visit to Ike Skelton's office was added to the list because he used
profanities when referring to the CODEPINK women present at the
Petraeus hearing last week. The always creative CODEPINK women sang
him a special song using his own description of us to the tune of
Yankee Doodle (The song's chorus is Americans Seek Soldiers Home Our
Leaders Evade Solutions).

"Many people in Congress have become totally disconnected from the
people. We see this in their support for the war in Iraq and a new war
in Iran, and for taking away our precious civil liberties," says
CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin. "The outpouring of people in
Congress today shows that Americans are willing to travel the
distance, skip work and spend precious time away from their families
to deliver the message to Congress that we want them to work for peace
and to stop supporting this war!" says Desiree Fairooz, CODEPINK DC

Order as follows:

1. Duncan Hunter Rayburn 2265
2. Dana Rohrbacher Rayburn 2300
3. Dan Burton Rayburn 2308
4. Brian Baird Rayburn 2443
5. Ike Skelton Rayburn 2206
6. John Boehner Longworth 1011
7. Rahm Emmanuel Longworth 1319
8. Bob Etheridge Longworth 1533
9. Roy Blunt Cannon 217
1. Lindsey Graham Russell 290
2. John McCain Russell 241
3. Mitch McConnell Russell 361A
4. James Inhofe Russell 453
(take tunnel to Hart via Dirksen)
5. John Cornyn Hart 517
6. Joseph Lieberman Hart 706

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